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I just became a new member, and so I thought I would post a small report on the outing I had this morning at Jordanelle. I did a lot of walking of walking and I got a little sun-burned but it was worth it! Landed about 20 smallies and 2 Largies, one of the LMB was about 18 inches "fish o' day" that actaully was the first LMB I have caught up there so that was a pleasant surprise. The fish were really agressive taking crankbaits, spinners and a few on senkos, all and all it was a good time.
Welcome to the forum. Sounds like a good time where you in the hailstone area or the rockcliff arm?
Sounds like a great day up there. Thanks for the report and welcome to BFT. Good luck on your next trip out.
Hi Gibson, welcome to the BFT brotherhood. Nice report also, care to share where on the Nelle you did so well?
[red][size 3]Welcome to ya. I'll just add my 2cents along with your post. I was up there Monday and Tuesday. We trolled for trout some and caught browns in the north end and rainbows south of Hailstone. Needlefish seemed to be the preferance. We trolled the Rock Cliff arm once and had one nice fighting fish on a Rapala but lost it when it went cross court across another line. Nothing of any size in the boat. We hit the shore south of Hailstone and picked up several nice small mouth. My first time goofing around with senkos, probably could have boated more if I knew what I was doing. I decided next time I would rig up a whole package at home instead of messing with them on the water. Just to many nice looking holes to spend that time on the water. Did just as well with crawdad cranks. [/size][/red]

[red][size 3]After that we tried Rockport for an afternoon for my first time, all the 12"-14" rainbows you could want. Ten minutes out from the boat ramp we had a double to start with. The catching was slow around the dam however. We marked some huge fish around the cliffs and little bay right off the side of the dam. Stopped and casted around for a while and caught a few small smallmouth. Coupla' great dayz on the water. [/size][/red]
Nice report, NOS. Wow, I didn't even know that there was any big ones in Rockport, but it's cool that you saw them on the graph. Hopefully next time you'll get into them. Congrats on the awesome success at Jordanell!
[cool]Congrats on the good day at the nell, and welcome to BFT, Gibson!
Great report and welcome.
Another great time in the outdorrs. Welcome aboard
Hey Gibson, welcome to BFT! If your experience is like mine, you'll discover that this site is a wonderful resource for fishing Utah's waters.

Nice report! Care to share what type of cranks, spinners, and the colors and sizes of senkos you were using?

I'm taking a trip up there this weekend and am looking for suggestions.


Thanks for sharing the report. Glad you joined us.. Welcome aboard.
Hey welcome aboard! What part of the lake were ya fishing from? I am headed out there this saturday.
Thanks for the welcome I do appreciate it and sorry it took so long to reply, (I don't have a computer at home just got married) anywho, I was in the rock cliff arm, and I was throwing lipless cranks in crawfish colors, and a jerkbait in perch, throwing long arm spinners in white and chartreuse, (slow rolled em' in a little deeper water).
Hey gibson thanks for the info !