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Full Version: Jordanelle 7/2/04
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Went to the rockcliff area for smallies, which I did fairly well, however I lost a couple of big ones as they fought to shake the hook which they succeeded. It was a so-so day because of the winds that came up in the late afternoon. I floated from the old road up to about 3/4 mile along the north side of the rockcliffs, and then the winds told me to go home, so I allowed the winds to drift me back to my car.

I finally saw Senkonate in his float tube about a mile or so further down by the wakeless speed bouys hugging the cliffs for those smallies too. Met up with him when he finally got out of the stupid winds. Senkonate is a real cool nice guy. I would float with Senkonate any day. I told him about July 17th BFT (rootbeer float, just kidding) party, looks like he might be there too.
Thanks for the compliment, Paul. Right back at ya.

As for my trip, I probably floated about a half mile past the buoys before I started to turn around, and let the wind blow me back in. I had an OK day. I couldn't seem to get good hookups when I'd get a big bite. I had something huge on, close to some rocky cliffs, on a smoke/sparkle 5" Senko, and I got it close eneough to see it's size. It never surfaced, and was thrashing like crazy, and it broke the line about 5 feet directly under me as it wrapped the line around one of my fins. Smart fish.

Also, I didn't get a chance to post yet, but PrinceFisher took me out on his boat to Jordanelle last night, too. We had a great time, he was a great host, and we fished for smallies and perch with his 2 sons. When we arrived around 4, it was cold, windy, and rainy, but as soon as we put the boat in the water, it hadn't been 5 minutes before the sun came out and the wind and rain stopped. We didn't quite get as many fish as we wanted, but it was still a fun trip.
