I fished at Renegade this morning on my toon, with a sinking fly line. I picked up 12 cuts and cut bows with 3 hitting the 22" size. All were fat and good fighters. Water temp was 58* in the morning and rose to 62* by mid day. Most fish were caught in 25' to 30' depths. An olive woolly bugger worked best with purple also picking up some fish. In the afternoon, I moved over to Chicken East and caught 3 more before the wind and threat of a storm came over the lake. There were a lot of boats on the water but everyone respected each other and no problems came to pass. There were a lot of fish caught by boaters using power bait or worms. The fish are in the best shape that I have ever seen them in. I talked to Big Cat on the two way and he reported about the same results. I hope that the trend will continue for many years to come. DKS
Got to the main marina about 6:30 and started catching fish within minutes. We started at a place not to far from the main marina a caught fish on rainbow power bait, minnows, and tube jigs. My 5 yr old son caught the first fish. My brother got one that was 23 inches. It was the only keeper of the day. When he cleaned it we wanted to check its stomach to see what it had been eating. That fish had a 6 inch chub in its stomach. It was huge! All the other fish were cuts or cutbows in the slot. We moved over by sage hen knoll and then to the meadows and then to renegade and didn't do so well there but the fishing seemed to have shut off by then. It was a fun day overall. We landed about 7-8 fish total for the day. So it wasn't great but fair. The fish were in excellent shape. We got several that looked like rainbows except for a very very light slash under the chin. At the fish cleaning station there was a group of people with limits of fish that looked just like the ones that we turned loose. I thought that all fish with any cutt markings had to be released.... It was nice to talk to DKS on the radio and glad he did well.
We caught quite a few as well that had us scratching our heads - thought they were cutbows. Rainbow colors on the back, orange fins, some with the throat slashes. Got back to the marina and talked with the DWR guys and they said there are very few cutbows in Strawberry? They have only gill netted maybe 3 in the past few years. What gives? I'm assuming the cutthroats turn darker if they stay deep all the time? Look at the pics I put up in the other strawberry post - the big fish definitely had a purple back (may be hard to tell - not a good pic)but he had the orange fins and the slashes under the throat - most of the fish we caught deep 40' had a darker rainbow look. DWR fellow says the only sure way to tell is the spots on the head - cutthroat have very few where the rainbows are loaded with spots. Mystery fish [

I understand that there are several types of cutthroat trout in Utah. The type that I catch at the Green River are easy to recognize but the fish in the Berry have more of a rainbow look to them. I have caught many that only have a small marking under the throat. They may be a pure cut but they look to be a cross with a rainbow to me. In any case,I will always release them just in case. I do know that the fish are bigger and fight better than any that I have caught in recent years up there. I used to know if I had a bow or a cut on just by the way that it fought. These cuts were great fighters. I hope that people will be honest and follow the new regulations at the Berry, it seems to be working. DKS
I did notice the cutts seem to show some rainbow color on them in the water , but out of the water it went away .The males are always more brilliant that the females . Once i caught rainbow it cleared my mind of the others . I have had a hard time hooking bows there . Did have some good rod bending on them cutts at the Berry . Which is not always the case there . They did fight hard this weekend . I did hook into something that I lost saturday that fought like a walleye . but it got off before I got it in . It was big what ever it was . Also notice craneflys skating on the water . Should of brought my fly rod .
On the Green , my favorite Cutt is the Snake River finespot Cutt . Great looking fish . I believe there are 3 types of cutts in the Green River .