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I can't get into "off topic" or anywhere else right now. My son is 15 and wants to try his hand at archery. Any help will be appreciated. (He wants to get into the next hunt.)
If he hasnt shot,, or hasnt shot much, my advice would be to take him into a good archery shop (like Jakes in Orem) with an indoor practice range. they will let him shot a few bow's to get him off on the right foot..
I'd let him shoot a couple different bows, and see how he does. Find out the pounds of pull he is comfortable with (40lb min in Utah to hunt), and his draw length, then look on ebay, or at the local pawn shops for a bow that is all ready set up. You can usually pick one up for about $250, whereas a new bow, even a low end bow, can run you $400+ to get it all set up with sights, arrows, rest, release, quiver, peep, and any other gadgets you want to put on. If you live up north, try Wilde Arrow (546-0962) in Layton. Brent is a very knowledgable man, and is always willing to help out a new archer. Good luck, and get him shooting soon! Practice, practice, PRACTICE.
There is a shop in Brigham City called Roy-n-Kat Archery, Roy is also very knowledgeable, and will help you with whatever you will need to get your son started. (1-435-723-7521) What type of hunting is your son interested in? Me personally,I love to hunt the majestic elk!!!!!! I also agree practice, practice, practice..... < bugln4bulls >
sportmans archery off 90th south will hook you up and teach proper form to shoot consistantly. great guys out there. and they have a technohunt screen you can shoot moving elk deer sheep and other cool stuff.
I've heard of Roy-n-Kat's as well. I've never been there, but I hear they are good people.

Let us know what you decide to go with.
well, i would say, get him shooting ASAP. once you have a bow, take him to the lake and shoot some carp, not hard, but good target practice, get him used to shooting the bow at living things, as we all know it can be different from a target
Thank you, thank you, one and all. I will see what I can begin on Saturday. The carp thing sounds intriguing - where is best?
utah lake is best, i think. deer creek is good for size, and from what ive heared willard isnt too bad either. if you go to utah lake, just about anywhere in the shalows will do. if your fishing in shallow(1-2 feet) water which i recomend, you dont really need to have a reel system, but if your in deercreek or willard where the water may be deeper i would recomend one. they dont cost too much, i think i paid 40 bucks for 2 fish arrows, a reel and line. if your using regular field point arrows i would suggest drilling a hole through the tip, and putting some thing clothes hanger through the hole to act as a barb, melt some solder in it if it is not fitting real tight, it will help keep it in place. hope i could be of some help to ya.
The best place in Salt lake is "Salt Lake Archery", on 1100e & around 2200s in sugar house. they have an indoor range by far the most knowledgable guys, and specialize in kids, the guy in the wheel chair owns the place and knows more than anyone I have ever met( he doesn't Smile though). They also have used bows & a 3-D target & long bows. I would not take him carp shooten until he knows how to properly shoot. If in Salt Lake take him to Salt Lake Archery they will be the best for him, they also have a youth shooting league, during the week they have late hours so we can all get in after work to shoot, think they close at 10:00pm. Careful with the pawn shops, best to educate yourself about the bows then go shoppen, not all bows will do,need an exact size for each persons draw lenghth, they can tell you that there also. Hope that all helps, its a great sport especially for kids.