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Here are a couple of pictures, one of a moose and the other a mule deer. Just a couple of photos to get the blood goin' before the hunt. Both are gonna be big boys once their antlers are full grown. The picture of the moose was taken on the fourth at the Soapstone campground by Mirror Lake, about twenty feet from the Provo River. The mule deer was spotted, along with a doe, in my backyard this morning(7/7). This is very interesting because I'm a good two miles from the foothills, and that is quite a ways to go for a deer???
Great shots! Thanks for sharing. I haven't had deer in the back yard since I took in a friends dog.
Thanks for sharing the cool pics. I wish I had deer like that in my back yard!
that reminds me of a deer i saw not too many weeks ago. 4x5, big spread too. hell be a trophy during the hunt. big ole brute, il bet he was puching 250-300 lbs