Hey people...<br><br>I have been fishing since I was a brat, which was a looong time ago. The only method of bass fishing I have never used is softbody tube lures. I bought a smallmouth kit from B.A.S.S. shop, but have only a smattering of knowledge how to properly fish them. I did try at a small local lake, I put the weighted jighead in the body and puched the eyelet through the rubber then tied on. I caught a 15", 1.5lb largemouth the first cast! Freaked me out because I didn't expect to catch anything. The rest of the morning was dead. Are there any tips someone experienced with these lures can tell me to increase my success? I sure would appreciate it!<br><br><br><--^----< The big one got away...with my pole, boat, and wife!<br>
Stellar smallmouth lure. Crawl it along the bottom, dip it in smelly jelly, crwdaddy flavor. Chuck it up into the rocks and work it with a slow stop and go falling retrive. Walleye love them too. Ya gotta have tubes!<br><br>UNICORN CATCHER F.L.P.
Thanks predator, I'll certainly give your advice a shot this weekend. Happy fishing!<br><br>Cb<br><br><br><--^----< The big one got away...with my pole, boat, and wife!<br>
The tube bait or (gitzit) can be a very productive bait year round.Try early spring on smallie beds. With a good pair of polorized glasses you should be able to spot the fish guarding and cruising the bed. This is a protective and aggressive behavior. Toss the tube bait past the bed and drag it to the center of the bed. Keep your eye on the lure and the fish the strike is usually aggressive but can be very subtle as well. White is a good color and most natural colors with bright yellow tails are also effective. Good luck and hold on!!!<br><br>
MR. CARP<br> You say you fish Northwestern NY? My daughter and son in law live in Holly which is North West (?) of Rochester. Do you know of any easy access places to fish in that area. He does not fish nor hunt (bummer), but is a good guy otherwise. He is for hunting,fishing and private ownership of firearms. <br><br>