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I recently purchased a penn power stick (7") along with a penn 7500ss reel with 20lb line. Is this adequate for Marlin fishing and if so what kinds of hooks,lures, or bait should i use for marlin fishing especially in SC?<br><br>
M2<br>I've not fished in your area but my concern is that this rig is pretty light for Marlin. Might be Ok for white or small stripe, but if you wind up with big blue, you are probably gonna get spooled. There are folks who specialize in this sort of fishing for big fish with very light tackle but believe most who do are very experienced in tangling with these critters. A marlin is a powerful animal.<br>Having said that, might look into using this rod in a bait and switch mode where you find fish with a teaser on the troll and then use this stick to put a live or dead bait in front of his nose. Might also refer you to web sites for Marlin magazine, Sport Fishing and Big Game Fishing Journal for more specific how-tos and info in your area.<br>Good luck. FTR, I personally use nothing smaller than a 50 conventional when fishing for marlin. <br><br><br>Bart Waldo<br>Vista Communications<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Is this a joke? That's like asking if hunting lions or bears would be OK with a BB gun Smile<br><br>If you're VERY experienced with a BB gun, you might get away with it.<br><br>Capt. Jeff<br><br>