Fishing Forum

Full Version: What kind of reels and lures you have
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What kind of reels and lures you have. Name them out and see who has the most and the best.
Is this some kind of competition?? What can we win if we have the most and best???

This looks like a poll or survey. We do have a special forum for this type of post. I will give it 3 hrs and I will move it for you if you would like.
[size 2] [font "Comic Sans MS"] The lures I have catch fish and the reels I have reel them in, can't get any better than that.

[size 2] [font "Comic Sans MS"] David
It's not who has the best or most,it's how you wiggle the worm.[Tongue]
You mean you want me to go outside and count all the lures and hopefully remember the makes and models? EEK! I guess I'll get back to you in a week. It'll take me that long to remember the lure sizes and all that other good info!
[black][size 1]Hey there Cheng,[/size][/black]
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[size 1]Welcome to BFT and to the various boards and shops here. Most of our poll questions doesn't involve what's the 'best' and 'most' in a comparison between individuals because that's gonna cause everyone to be wrong and right at the same time. 'Wouldn't that be a revoltin' development!' And.... I would have to say 'Now that's another fine mess you've got us into'.[/size]
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[size 1]I have too many reels.. some never used and never will.[/size]
[size 1]I have too many lures.. most never used! If I lost the ones I've never used... I'd still have all my tried-and-true chatch 'ems. dang![/size]
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[size 1]JapanRon[/size]
The best reels and lures that I have are the ones that I bought for my boys. No amount of money or fancy name or high priced equipment can replace the joy and excitment that we experience when they catch a fish. think about it and if youdon't believe me take a kid fishing.
yes i totally agree with you. Fishing is more about the joy of it rather than the equipments. But sometimes to get the joy you also need enough equipments. You cant just cast one rod out in the sea and at the end of the day come back with no fish. That would disappiont you. And if it happens often then there is no joy in fishing anymore. Smile

Just my 2cents worth
The fishing is always good, even if the catching isn't.[url "javascript: addTag('cool')"][cool][/url]
tubeN is there some way to contact the marketing division of this website. Because i have tried sending emails to them regarding banner swaps for my ecommerce site and also advertising but there are no replys. Could you tell me how i could contact them?
Here is the information listed in the business section on this site.

[size 1]714-964-0208 ext.221 or email [/size][url ""][#000000][size 1][/size][/#000000][/url][size 1] [/size]
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[size 1]The person to contact is Mike.[/size]
Here is a link to the sitemap as well. You may be able to locate the type of service that you are looking for.

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Thanks guys. I will try them out. I will also announce when my online tackle store is launched.