Hey TubeDude,
You've probably already heard of this place but in case you didn't I thought I'd share what I came across. It's a site called do-itmolds.com. They sell jig molds and related stuff.
I noticed an interesting photo of a guy holding up 2 blue cats on the front page, but the way he's holding them up in each hand looks fake. What do you think?
The site claims that they are 73 and 69 pounds. I don't know too many people that can hold up 70 pound fish with 2 fingers!!
[cool][#0000ff][size 1]Hey Kevin, I hear congratulations are in order for the keeper your wife just landed. How about some particulars...length, girth, weight, etc. Oh, that's for fish.[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]I have used Do-It molds for many years. Used to get a few from the old Herters Company, but they folded up a while back. I add one or two each year, as they come out with new stuff. Here's a pic of some of the new molded lead casting spoons I am playing with, for deep jigging and ice fishing.[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]I think you are right about the picture not being 100% accurate. However, what I suspect is that the fish are hung from something with heavy mono and the dude is acting like Superman. I am pretty big and strong, but holding a fish half that size is a task for me with one hand.[/size][/#0000ff]
Hi thanks Pat. Here are the "particulars":
Length: 20 inches Girth: Unknown Weight: 7 lbs. 3 oz.
Description: Lots of hair, and an exact replica of me when I was first born. Probably couldn't tell our baby pictures apart except for mine shows an extra finger on the left hand.
Caught using: my beautiful 22 year old wife Jessica
![[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=5578;]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=5578;)
Those are some nice looking jigs by the way. Bet they'll come in handy when you get back up here to Utah to places like the Gorge, Strawberry and Bear Lake.
cute kid.....must take after his mom LMAO again congrats
Hey Catman, Congratulations on the keeper. Are you going to enter it in the 16 species contest?? I imagine it would have to be in the freshwater category since you are so far from the ocean. ha ha.
Hey TubeDad, I may have to hit you up for some of those spoons. They look like they would work good for Cudas. 3 to 4 oz would be cool and in a few color combinations.
white/blue stripes
white/black stripes
white/mint green stripes
Those are the hottest colors right now. Let me know what we can work out.
[cool][blue][size 1]Hey youngun, the mold I got makes them up to 1 ounce...2 3/4 inches long. I can get the mold for the larger sizes, and I may do so later.[/size][/blue]
[#0000ff][size 1]I am also going to get back into making hammered copper pipe lures. I used to make some big nasty ones for deep jigging for rockfish. They also beat up on some big sandies and calicos...as well as a couple of misguided yellowtail.[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]Know any good sources for copper pipe...1/2" to 1" size? You can partially flatten and curve them the way you want, then fill them with lead. Finish by drilling holes for big split rings, painting them and prism taping them and you are good to go. [/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]I'll have to set up a grinding wheel when I get relocated and whip out a few fer ya.[/size][/#0000ff]
If you plan on using alot of copper, then you could probably use the Home Depot. Remember the type M is a little softer and probably easier to hammer out. If it is ruggedness and duablility, then I would go with type L. It is harder and has a wall thickness that is just a few thousands of an inch thicker and has a little bit more alloy in it.
Type M is also much cheaper than type L. Don't even bother with type K. That is available only in plumbing supply houses and cost an arm and a leg.
Just a word of caution on the grinding wheel. The copper can load up the wheel and create the wheel to heat up. Once hot, it can explode on one of the subsequent cuts.
You can get a decent pipe cutter for almost nothing. It is much safer and wont distort your vision. (wont explode either)
[#0000ff]Thanks. We will collaborate on some designs when I get set up.[/#0000ff]
If you look close at the picture you can see the strings that are holding the fish up.
[url "javascript: addTag('cool')"][cool][/url][blue]Right you are, EagleEye. I had to copy the pic as a jpeg, and then enlarge it to see the lines. But, under magnification they are clearly visible, even to an old blind guy like me.[/blue]
Now that you mention it, I CAN see the lines, just gotta squint a little.
By the way his fingers are in the photo I'd say it was holding up a Blue (gill) in left hand and a empty Blue (cooler) in the right.