Does any one have any info on where to go around Buckboard marina for kokes? We went up last weekend and did all right around squall hollow but the fishing wasn't fast be no means. The fish were very nice 3 1/2 pound average but it took clear tell 11:00 am to get our limits. The fish just didn't seem like they were on the feed. If you have any technic on how to catch them and don't mind sharing it. Please post a message it would be greatly appreciated. We were fishing in 45 to 60 foot using needle fish. Color didn't seem to matter we tried pink green you name it I propbly tried it.<br><br>
We have had good success on our trips to the gorge at 1.5 mph. We run down riggers for the kokes and pull spinners on the top longlined for trout at the same time. If you want to get real crazy, you may want to try dropping a ball down for lake trout, running a clip on the cable at kokanee depth and longlining on the surface for rainbows! Skeeter should be able to give you some good info on the smallies, he fishes for the every year in the tournament. Seems like everyone has a different lure and location for the kokes. The rumors I hear are that the bigger kokes are further north and you will catch more but smaller kokes south toward sheep creek.<br>Have a fun trip, and be careful. I look forward to hearing how it went when you return.<br><br>UNICORN CATCHER F.L.P.
Well Jeremy I have'nt mounted my down riggers on my boat yet. Right now I'm trying to sell it. I really don't think it will be a problem to mount or to operate. The biggest problem that I see with the down riggers is that you will have to kneel on the deck to operate them. If I decide to keep my boat I will put them on for sure and I'll let you know. When I was trolling at the Gorge I was in a 19 foot Crestliner, we trolled like Predator said about 1.5 mph we also did good around 1.8 to 2 mph. If you go for Bass start on the Wyoming side around Buckboard Marina. Anvil is also a good place to start. The smaller bass will beat the crap out of your lure up shallow so try and fish around 10 to 15 foot (weed beds oh ya). Late evenings have also been good for me in the past for the larger bass. Have fun and don't be afraid to take a limit of those smaller bass we need to thin them out.<br><br>