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Full Version: Jordanelle: 7/16/04
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[size 1] Took Sparky and my tube to the Nelle yesterday. Went early and quit at about 2 pm just as the rain started to come in. Had a moderate day. Fished a little different area on the North West end. Didn't really find the smallies but caught about 5 ranging from about 11 to 13 1/2 in about 8-12 ft,. Water temp. was 72 deg. early and 74 deg. late. Lost the biggest at the tube, my guess was about 15-16 in. Caught them on an emerald pulse worm. Caught a lot of perch, mostly small but kept several decent sized for dinner. Tried to size up to get away from the perch and only caught a few more perch and no bass.
Of course one good reason for not doing that well may be Sparky. He's doing more and more pestering by visiting and swimming around me for extended periods of time. That's ok. though, that's just part of the enjoyment of my best friend. I haven't been to the Nelle for a while and need to relocate where the bass are. Once again, I was reminded why I like to fish for smalles! There are very few fish, if any that put up a better fight. They out fight largies by a good bit. The only fish I can think that can compete are maybe wipers and blues. If the blues were the same size I think that they may out fight smallies.
Leaky [/size]
[size 3]Thanx for the update. When I was looking around I was wondering if there may be some large mouth up in that NW corner. (Are there any LMB in Jordanelle?) I won’t get a chance to get back over there until early September. Think the small mouth will still want to play then. Any ideas? My yellow lab passed on from cancer over the winter, sure miss those cussin' sessions when she wanted to swim behind the boat when we were trying to troll. [/size]
There are LMB in Jordenelle but don't expect to catch many if any at all. When the catching was red hot a few weeks ago I would get at least one a trip and on one day caught three. The ratio was something like 1 LMB for ever 15-20 smallies. Heres one I caught on June 23rd. Good Luck!!!

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=5626;]
Nice largemouth Al, how big was it?
He was 17" but don't ask me about weight I have no clue. The largest I have caught out of Jordenelle was 18".
Sorry to hear about your lab, it's tough. Hope you got a pup to replce him so you can keep up with your cussin. I've only caught on LM up there but I'm sure there are a few around.