[size 1] Took Sparky and my tube to the Nelle yesterday. Went early and quit at about 2 pm just as the rain started to come in. Had a moderate day. Fished a little different area on the North West end. Didn't really find the smallies but caught about 5 ranging from about 11 to 13 1/2 in about 8-12 ft,. Water temp. was 72 deg. early and 74 deg. late. Lost the biggest at the tube, my guess was about 15-16 in. Caught them on an emerald pulse worm. Caught a lot of perch, mostly small but kept several decent sized for dinner. Tried to size up to get away from the perch and only caught a few more perch and no bass.
Of course one good reason for not doing that well may be Sparky. He's doing more and more pestering by visiting and swimming around me for extended periods of time. That's ok. though, that's just part of the enjoyment of my best friend. I haven't been to the Nelle for a while and need to relocate where the bass are. Once again, I was reminded why I like to fish for smalles! There are very few fish, if any that put up a better fight. They out fight largies by a good bit. The only fish I can think that can compete are maybe wipers and blues. If the blues were the same size I think that they may out fight smallies.
Leaky [/size]
[blue][size 1]Hey Leaky, nice report. You are whetting my appetite for a trip to that lake as soon as I get up there. Love perch and love smallies.[/size][/blue]
[#0000ff][size 1][/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]You are right about the smallies being battlers. One of the old time bassers (older than us) once labeled smallmouth as "Inch for inch and pound for pound, the gamest fish that swims."[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1][/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]No doubt about it, you gotta get Sparky his own tube. Kinda inconsiderate making him swim out there without a tube. Good luck in finding waders and fins to fit him though.[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1][/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]For the rest of the year, you will have to search out the bass every new trip. As the water drops, the habitat changes and the fish keep moving. But, the rule of thumb is to look for perch and the smallies will usually be nearby. [/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1][/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]Just after the first of September, when the water starts to cool again, the smallies should get pretty active and will be near the banks again for awhile. That's a good time for some shallow stuff and even topwater. Then, when it gets cold, they will go deep for the winter and we won't see them much until May.[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1][/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]How did you do with the Cuda 168 yesterday? Are you getting more used to using it?[/size][/#0000ff]
Glad you asked about my Cuda. First, I was pleasantly surprised that the last several times using it for maybe 5-6 hrs and then cheking the charge, it still registers full. Second, I've been using the "fish" icon for identification of fish and if I remember correctly there are 3 different sizes. Do you happen to know what size corresponds to what actual size (length) of fish, i.e. tha larger size generally represents what min. lenght? So far it provides me water temp and depth with the knowledge that there are either fish around my tube or not. Still have to learn structure/bottom. The areas that I fish probably have subtle differences in structure, the most obvious is weeds/moss. Haven't run across big structure thngs like big rocks, logs, mounds, ledges etc. Need to learn bottom characteristics such as gravel/rocks vs. mud. Can't see any correlation in bottom structure yet with bass. Pearch are mostly around weeds/moss, especially when it comes all the way to the surface, or close.
Sparky in a tube, wouldn't that be something. Then I'd have to teach him the rod, reel and lures. Don't think I want to go there. He'd probably out fsih me, just like he'd out cook me as your previous pictures have shown LOL Do you want to work on a design? They have car seats now for dogs.
Hi there TubeDude,
I've seen a DFD (Doggie Floatation Device) in a catalogue somewhere. It looked like just two small yellow inflatable pontoons on each side of doggie pictured. Didn't see any for cats! heh heh heh
Could we get a trolling rig set up for little 'Sparky'? Problem is how to send him out on his loop them get him to return promptly upon hook up.
[#0000ff]Hey Leaky, I suggest you spend a little time with the manual and the "demo mode" on the Cuda. It is not an exact science, but you develop a feel for what you are seeing, and how it relates to the fishing you are doing.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I use the fish icons too, rather than the other marks. I think there are 4 different size fishies. The absolute smallest are bait, and usually appear as several together. The next biggest ones are usually small fish up to about five or six inches. The middle size ones are usually at least 8 to 10 inchers and the largest are typically at least 12 to 14 inches. The system makes no distinction between a 12" smallie and a 12 pound carp.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The single greatest benefit I get from sonar is finding the depth of the water that is most productive, and at what level the fish are holding. Find that out and work it and you will stay in the fishy zone.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Sometimes you will find a pattern where the fish are holding right on the edge of a dropoff...say from where the water goes quickly from 10 feet down to 15 feet or more. That is usually associated with a temperature change and/or water chemistry changes. But, if that is where the fish are comfortable, you will do better fishing where they are.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]On the battery charge, most testers are designed to show only that the battery is putting out at least 12 volts. With the SLA batteries, they are fully charged at about 14 volts. If they drop below 12 volts...towards 11...you have probably used too much of the juice and may harm the battery. So, a testor that shows a battery in the "good" range may not be the best way to test it. As long as you put it on the charger as soon as you get home, and give it a little boost before you go again, to keep it in the high range, you should never have the battery go dead on you.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We will have to keep our eyes open for a suitable design for the Sparkster. I would be willing to bet that he would quickly take to being towed in a small one man life raft. Then comes the tackle selection.[/#0000ff]
Hey Leaky,
Were you at the Tube party today? I had my eyes peeled for a decrepit old geezer with a happy young pup at his side but didn't see the duo.[url "javascript: addTag('crazy')"][crazy][/url] Before you blow your top, Just Teasing[url "javascript: addTag('laugh')"][laugh][/url].
I tried one of those battery "fuel guages" made by Minkota when I first purchased my Cuda and battery. I imediately took it back after testing. It is no help whatsoever, always showing full. What I do now is use a voltometer to test the battery voltage according to the manufacturers specs. It also assists in charging so I know when it is full or close to it. Keep in mind according to the manual the Cuda only drains about a quarter amp per hour with the lights off. You can run the unit for 4 hours on on a 1 amp battery so battery drain isn't a concern for me when I'm on the water with a 5 amp battery.
About the readings on the finder. I was also wondering about the fish icons. I notice sometimes I get large icons grouped tight together. I believe that the unit is mistaking a tight group of small perch as one large fish. Also I tested it out today by kicking over a submeged branch and it showed me a series of fish icons in the shape of the branch. An obvious false reading interpreting the branch as a school of fish.
What battery did you purchase to power your Cuda (make and Amps)??
I don't know what you're apologizing for. Youe description was entirely accurate.
Don't know what the brand is but I bought it at Sportsman's , UB1270, 7.5 AH/12V.
Yea, I'm kind of sorry about not coming to the party. I was reluctant about doing Jordanelle on a weekend but I miss not meeting you guys. I was wondering about using a voltmeter. How do you determine how much you got left for AMP HRS at the right voltage for our finders?
I wouldn't know about how much is left since I don't concern myself with that on the water. I guess it would take some effort recording the voltage over time. The fact that the SLA batteries need to be charged ASAP after use eliminates the possibility of not charging it till it gets low. The longer you wait to fully charge the faster you shorten the life of the battery.
Actually the manual says 110 miliamps as power drain. I just think of it in terms of a quarter amp per hour just to be safe. I don't think theres any way that you can get a 5 amp and especially a 7.5 amp battery down to unsafe levels in a days fishing using our sonar units. I would think if using a voltometer you wouldn't want the output to get below 12 amps or it will be empty.
I attached the spec sheet for my 5 amp battery. I use the numbers in there to determine if it's full or close to it. The reason I asked which battery you have is to find out if it has pressure release valves. I'm not sure if all SLA bateries do but if it does there is no way to over fill it and when you hear that high pitched squeaking sound under charge it is full. At full my battery reads around 13.2 volts and I keep it on the charger till it gets a reading (under charge) of 14.8 volts. This is usually around the time It starts to "squeak" do to over filling.
You can actually charge the battery till it releases gas then take a reading and thats your full point under charge. then take a reading a few min. after you take it off the charger and thats the reading at full charge. during the off season check it from time to time and if it is much below that number charge it up alittle more.
Leaky, do you find that battery from sportsmans to be heavy and bulky? If so you might want to switch to a 5 amp. They are the same price but smaller and alot lighter.
Hi there TubeDude,
I searched for over 30 minutes trying to find out about the fishy size query. On my Buddy III its got pretty much the same thing. A lot of the fish finders use the Advanced and Fish ID patented modules in their machines..... eagle and others makers have it as one of their features.
The telling phrase in their ads was something to the order that fish could be identified 'by the strength of the return signal' . As you think, I likewise think, that if three fishys are fin in fin you might see a humongus(biggest size) fish icon on the screen.
Another thought is that if a target is close a stronger return signal might appear bigger that it really is as opposed to a bigger fish that is much deeper thus weaker return signal and appear smaller.
Some of these suckers have a 3000 Watt output while other not near that thus less ability to actually return an accurate size of the target.
Interesting stuff, here's an interesting site [url "http://www.fish-finder-review.com"]www.fish-finder-review.com[/url]
[url "javascript: addTag('cool')"][cool][/url][blue]Hey JR, that is a great site for comparisons. I am setting up a shortcut for reference when future new recruits have need of similar info. Thanks.[/blue]
[#0000ff]It is interesting to try to extrapolate what you are really seeing on the display screens. With me, it is mostly a matter of having become familiar with the unit I am using and knowing what is in the water beneath me. Then, when I see a middle sized blip and hook and land a middle sized fishy, I correlate the connection. The teeny weeny ones and bigger ones are subject to conjecture...and can be anything.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Probably the worst "fakeout" with new sonar users is to see a "school of fish" and drop a lure straight down, only to snag a branch of the tree that appeared on the display as a school of fish. Of course, the more powerful and more sensitive units can help in distinguishing "friend from foe", especially if you don't use the fishy icons.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]That was one of the major complaints I had when using my first Humminbird flasher unit. It showed lots of lines on the screen, but there was no way to separate fish from snags. Again, it took a while to get used to it and to be able to guess right more often than wrong.[/#0000ff]
[url "javascript: addTag('


][/url]Hey there JR,
Thanks for the Fish Finder link.
Hi there TubeDude,
You're quite welcome. It's so aggravating when a site promises to have product reviews and comparisons and there is not one single response or 'feedback' from someone who actually bought the thing.
I'll make a search and eopinions is right up there BUT...... very rarely do they actually have a review...... certainly not by their staff anyways.
There should be NO hit on their page if what you're asking for is NOT actually there! False advertising. If I wanted to know about the product itself, I wouldn't go there in the first place. Sheeeh
Whew! I feel better now! ha ha ha
Dryrod, you're quite welcome and I know we can always depend on your showing us new sites on your specialty.
Yea, it does add a lot of weight to the tube when I carry it a mile or two. Now that I've bought it I'll probably live with it a while. Where is your source for the 5 AMPHR battery and how much does it weigh? Thanks again.
It's alot lighter is all I can say. The weight might be on the sheet I attached. I got it at a battery place at a store around the corner from the Sportsmans on 7500 S. and 300 W. Found it by calling different battery places in the phone book and asking them thier price.