Any of you folks in Utah know of any good areas to go shoot at some pot guts? Any areas near Smith and Moorehouse resevoir specifically?
I hope you know the different species of dogs since most are protected in Utah.
Hedgesd is right you need to be carful about shooting prarrie dogs in Utah. In Colorado there are huge dog towns that I use to hunt when I lived there but in Utah you would be better off going for Rock Chucks. There is a huge population of them around Willard but I don't think they can be hunted. I think your best option is to call the DWR and ask them, good luck. WH2
I know a bunch of them are protected and after looking into how to identify the different types I figured it would be to difficult for me to identify them and not worth the risk.
The only species of protected prarie dogs are down south around cedar city. The best prarie dog towns I know of are in the Uintah basin. There are some good ones between vernal and roosevelt, but the best ones are right on the colorado boarder east of vernal. There is one area there called Coyote Basin that is closed to hunting because of the black footed ferret reintroduction, but there are plenty of dogs around that are fair game.