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Got two questions. One, how is the fishing up at Tibblefork Res? I have been up there and there are a ton of people fishing it usually. I want to take the old lady up there so we can just shore fish and have a good time and catch some fish. What can a guy use for a begginer to catch some fish up there?

Question 2: I am solely a fly fisherman. I want to get a spin rod set up so I can do things like this with the mrs and also for catch fishing etc. Is there a setup that I could get that would be universal for trout, catfish, and whatever type of fishing I would do with it? I want to keep the price low though, being as I would use it once in a blue moon. Thanks guys.

zebco 404 w/ rod - its a classic, works good, just press the button

Just buy any spinning reel with a medium action rod. Get a spare spool to line up with heavier line when chasing bigger fish.
I've done well at tibble right near the spillway by the steep rocks. Just a worm and a marshmallo should do the trick. If that don't work try a worm weightless (the slow fall almost always gets them). Spinners can also produce sometimes. You can also try the river, worms with a small splitshot drifted along the bottom can do wonders in some of those holes.
DITO with southerman. My grandson has a zebco 404 and it works great for him. Welcome aboard
i would bypass tibble and head up to silver lake flats it a little higher up so temps should be cooler usually a lot less people and more trees to get out of the sun
Just wanted to say welcome aboard. Looking forward to your reports.