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I went up to Hyrum on saturday I didn't know there was a tournament going on up there. I would of went out to willard instead. But as you might guess there was about 4 boats on every spot we fished. The fishing was pretty slow I don't know if it was because of the fishing pressure or what. We did end up catching some large mouth in the 1 1/2 lb range but nothing serious. I tried to talk to the tourny director to find out the details of the tournament but after he repeatedly ignored me and treated me like I was some piece of crap that was not at his level, I left. I tell you what I fished allot of tournaments and have never met someone in his position that has acted like that. This is a Sad thing because these people are suppose to be promoting the sport, getting people involved so everyone can come out and enjoy our fisheries. Most fishing clubs and tournament organizations promote catch and release and conservation. I've seen it many times when they have raised money and went out and planted reefs in some of our lakes to provide habitat for fish. These organizations are good so if you encounter the Cache Valley team tournament guy just walk away he's nobody worth associating with .<br><br>
Too bad. Sometimes we fishermen are a funny bunch. Thanks for the report on hyrum. Was the water level incredibly low?<br><br>UNICORN CATCHER F.L.P.
Should have smacked him upside the head. I'm sure he would have acknowledged you then! [Smile]<br><br><font color=purple><b>The Fisherless Fishermen</font color=purple></b>
The water level was pretty low but not to bad yet.<br><br>
Has it really droped that much? when I went a couple of weeks ago it was pretty full.<br><br>
The southeast end is starting to drain and show mud. I'd say in a week to 10 day you won't get back there at all if not sooner. In a two weeks, you'll start to see the sand bar by the rock point where the river comes in and in a month I wouldn't let my dog swim in it. <br><br>