The top water action was fantastic on Willard tonight! We launched out of north marina at around 5:30 pm and jetted out towards the island. We spotted terns hitting the water and headed towards them. When we got there the wipers were hitting the shad on the surface with a lot of activity. We (my friend Glen and his Uncle Tom and I) start casting into the surface activity and for the next hour and a half had a blast catching wiper after wiper after wiper. We were using pencil poppers, zara spooks, and standard surface poppers. <br><br>This was by far the most productive night any of us had ever had on Willard Bay. We were fishing so fast and furious that the sweat was just dripping off all of us! After about and hour and a half the wind picked up and the surface action shut down but by then we had had the time of our lives! Glen, who has lived in Las Vegas and fished stripers in Lake Mead said that this reminded him of the top water action he had become a custom to in Lake Mead where fishing striper boils are supreme.<br><br>I really don't know why it was so good. It could of been a combination of the incoming weather (barometer dropping) with the overcast clouds that were present all evening. No matter what it was, it was a night to remember for wiper fishermen.<br><br>FISH ON!<br><br>
Sounds like a great night at the Bay, did you get a count on the number of wipers you caught? Did you catch any walleye? Were any of the wipers over 18 inches? WH2<br><br><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by wiperhunter2 on 07/16/02 00:11 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
No walleye. We did not troll at all. Everything we caught was top water action. I know, myself, I caught and released at least 9 fish and kept a limit. I believe my friends did just as well if not better. We didn't measure any of the fish but none of them were real monsters but they all were respectable. Wish I could go out tonight!<br><br>
Awesome Mac! Feels good to tear them up for once. LOL<br><br><font color=purple><b>The Fisherless Fishermen</font color=purple></b>
You have no idea of the excitement you have just created. There can be NO GREATER THRILL than watching a wiper take a top water lure and feel the impressive rush of the fish after as he fights like a big dog. It would take an awful lot of fish to make up for just a few top water fish and it sounds like you had a great top water day. Top water on any fish is awesome but on wipers its just something extra special. You are living the dream my friend. <br><br>UNICORN CATCHER F.L.P.
As far as weather patterns and thier relation to the fish, you better believe that the conditions played a big part. Just get a fish tank and put some cichlid's in there, Dump a bunch of feeder minnows in there and watch the correlation between days when you catch a lot of fish and days that they eat a lot of fish. An example, yesterday one of my cichlids ate fourteen minnows himself, and you were out having the time of your life on willard. Coincidence, maybee. But own a fish tank and watch it over the years and see if you dont become a believer. You wouldnt believe all the things you can learn from a fish tank. Granted goldfish may not teach you much.<br><br>UNICORN CATCHER F.L.P.
Mack what topwater seemed to produce the most fish and what size and color seemed to be the best? We noticed that casting jigs into the boils the size of the lure really mattered I was wondering if it held true on the top.<br><br>
Actually, I didn't see a big difference using anything. Tom was using a 3" shad colored pencil popper, Glen was using a larger zara spook, using a "walk the dog" action that really work good. I don't recall the color he was using. I was using a shad/perch colored Rebel Pop-r about 2 1/2" long using a fast popping action across the top. That also worked outstanding. We tried using curly tailed grubs at first and couldn't get the strikes. When we switched to the top water stuff, the number of strikes went through the roof! Bottom line, everything we used worked. I do know one thing, I would have a rod set up and ready to go with top water gear or have the top water lures within easy reach. You never know when the surface bite is going to go wide open! <br><br>
Sounds good thanks for the info<br><br>