Fished Willard yesterday afternoon from 2:00p to 8:00p. Trolled along the northwest corner, tried the west dike, tried the feed lot, tried the middle. Used just about everything I had, running lures on the bottom, in the middle, near the top. Went at speeds from 2.5 to 3.5 mph. Nothing, Nada, Zippo! Oh well, I tried. Launching is getting tough. Guys are having to shove the bigger boats off the trailers. The hump on your way out of the North marina was between 1 and 2 feet below the surface. Not much more time for you Willard studs to get out there on anything you can't carry over the mud. Good luck to you. Take care.
Fisch R. Mann
I take it you didn't catching anything?
Petty4life and I were there friday and we did not do much better, we caught two. As we were leaving I talked to a guy that looked a lot like Tom Petingale(spelling?) and he said he caught 6. We were fishing in the same area and the only thing he was doing different was trolling at 4mph. I thought that was a little fast because the water was so murky but he caught more fish and thats what counts. How clear was the water yesterday? WH2
Water was a bit murky. I didn't hit 4 mph, but maybe I should have tried that. Didn't catch any fish. Saw dozens of birds diving all around me, but couldn't find the key to fix my funk. Oh well, that's life. Good luck getting out this weekend. You may get one done this weekend, just bring the prop way up when you go past the bouys. Fish On!
Fisch R. Mann
Did they guy just look a lot like Tom Pettengill or was it him?
Unless Tom is a lot older than I remember, I'd have to say it was not him. He had a boat, two planner boards and trolled at 4mph just like Tom fishes at Willard, maybe the guy was his older brother. WH2
I have seen the same guy out there and he looks alot like tom and his boat.
Toms boat has a big marine antenna on it.
The last few times I have been out I was trolling slow,1.3 to 1.8 on the fish finder,in 12 - 14ft of water.We had to have alot of line out.seem to work well,and noticed the pole with the mono line caught more fish at first,then I tied a six foot leader on the poles with fireline and things evened out,with five strait on the pole with leader.
Its to bad the channel didn't really help us at all,it doesnt look like they went out far enough.and we are going to be off the water about the same time this year[url "javascript: addTag('
anybody been catfishing up there???? anygood??? or crap??
I don't target catfish at Willard but we usually catch them anyway. A week ago friday Petty4life caught a 13 inch channel cat along the north dike as we were casting for walleye and smallmouth. It wasn't fat but it was bigger than most the cats we catch there, it was caught casting a small crankbait toward the shore line from a boat.
cool thanksfor the report..