DCRIM1 and I did some float tubing/wet fly fishing at Willow Lake over the weekend. We started out using some green wooley buggers and had good success. We also used a lot of prince nymphs. When I say a lot I mean that several of them got completely chewed up. The fishing was amazing. We each caught in the 30's over a two day period. They ranged from 8 to 15 in. rainbows. DCRIM1 pulled in one 16 in. Tiger Trout which neither of us had ever seen. We had only heard about them on the forum. Overall it was the best fishing trip both of us have ever had. We definitely need to go back.
Wecome aboard, thanks for the report.
i didnt know they planted tiger trout in there. thanks for the report... anybody know where else they planted them???
I believe that they plant them in a reservoire that is in Ferron. I believe it's called Duck Creek or Duck Reservoire. Something to that effect. I know that the forum has talked about other places, but I don't remember the names of the places. I guess that they're a hybrid fish. A cross between browns and brooks or something like that. DCRIM1 said that it fought like mad, though.
ya they where planted there must iv swim down stream.. they are a hybrid and i think your right on the mix..herd there a lot of fun to catch to ..dont know about eatting them since they are a hybrid i would catch and release them
They taste yummy!