Thrill killers are a pitiful excuse for humans beings..
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that stinks alright.i hope they catch them everlovins it,s against the law to shoot albino,s here too. in vermont. but somebody shot a beautiful little spike one last year out in ascutney too. makes me ugly! everybody was watchin him too. ya dont see em that oft3en. too bad. and the other ones too is just as bad. thye should be havin there licence taken aways fer 10 years! or not have it again. fer all of em.
They also give law abiding hunters a bad rap.. I'm with you, take their licenses away and then start impounding trucks, guns, gear, etc, etc. These fools weren't even looking to use the meat they were just thrill killing. [url "javascript: addTag('mad')"][mad][/url]...
oh hear ya good! that,s what ticks me right off too, most of all not usin the meat. and also puttin peoples lives in danger too. they should never have licences. here in vermont the game wardens can take truck car guns, whatever, same as fishin, and seen it done. especially when they git good and mouthy and fist wise. yessa, dependin on what the crime is and how fer there pushed. on this one they sure would. be it albimino or otherwise!l these i do not call hunters anyways. there murderers. just to kill. what will it be next fer them?? 2 legged?? a big thrill huh?? a------/hear ya! my horse has more brains, and he,s dead.
That's low. I hope they catch those bastards![url "javascript: addTag('mad')"][mad][/url]