We camped and fished Mantua. We got a few gills and a couple of trout and a few bass. We had a good time.
I just wonder how often the DWR checks that place. There was a whole group of boys fishing with worms. One had gotten a trout with it's fin clipped and cleaned it right there on the bank by the ramp to the boat dock. When we went over there and asked them if they were from the area they said Logan, we said then you should know that you can't use worms here and that trout should of been released. The kid with the trout left right away, the other ones got a little mouthy and said the cop told them they could fish with worms.But then they quit using the worms.
The thing that really ruined our weekend was we were fishing with a small boat and a raft. When we came in off the water last night, we tied the raft up by the swim beach, when we went to go back out the raft was gone.My grandson was pretty upset because he got it for his birthday and had only used it a couple of times. I guess you live and learn.
That sucks man, some people just don't got a soul no more. I will never understand people. Atleast you had a good time.
Hi icefool,
I'm sorry Your grandson lost his raft. Whatever Happened to respect? It's a shame so many people dont have any!. I'm glad You started out having a good time though.
I was wondering if anyone know if there is a limit on the blue gill up there? Some one came out of there with a 5gallon bucket full of them.I know there is a limit at Pelican of 10.
I think the statewide limit on bluegills is 50 fish, and I don't think there's a special reg for Mantua on bluegills.
That sucks that someone stole your grandson's raft. I have one of those relatively cheap PVC 4-person rafts in my basement that almost never gets used. (I use my canoes and drift boat) I would be happy to give it to your grandson (as long as my wife doesn't care, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't) I just live down the road from you in Roy. If it would work as a replacement (I don't know what was stolen) email me at danhofmandahl@hotmail.com
Thanks for the offer, I really appreciate it. If you check your pm's I have sent you a message. I truly do love this website. There are alot of giving and caring people here.
Thanks for the info mateo. I didn't know if there were special reg's like at Pelican or not.
The DWR conservation officer who is most regularly up there is officer schultz.
He lives in mantua so he checks it regualrly, but he also has a lot of other area to cover so he cant be there all the time.
Heres what I dont get. I was up there fishing today. I came across an area where someone had been catching largemouth and just tossed them up on the bank to die and rot. Why? Theres actually two issues here. First, why are anglers breaking the law by wasting game fish? And why would anyone toss a bass up on the bank?
I even saw spinner packages littlered on the bank.
Heres the kicker. I always thought growing up fishing and hunting is what taught kids to be decent, responsible people.
But the more I deal with the general public I find out that theres actually more people out there fishing and hunting that have no ethics or values of any kind.
Why would a fisherman steal from another fisherman?
Why would a fisherman go into the local tackle store and steal flies?
Why would someone steal your raft?
I dont know why, but I do know this, there is a whole lot of great people who fish, but there is also a ton who are not worth a darn.
Sorry about your raft. Sorry about everyhting else I saw today as well.
I really don't understand people sometimes. Here is this nice place to fish and let your kids play in the water. Why would you want to discard bass, if you didn't want them through them back.
Well here are my two cents on these issues. Since Brigham, Mantua and Others have put for precious money and time to improve this fine fishery the real trash of the sorrounding area has come out of the woodwork. I am not being the leasty bit racist, I have my complaints with so many different people lately up here that i am frustrated to the opoint of melt down. How freak'n hard is it to read a Dam_ sign. No parking means just that..........NO PARKING. No fishing from the dock means........NO FISHING FROM THE DOCK! I just don't understand it. Why is it so confusing that some grow up thinking that a plastic or styrofoam package is going to miraculously biodegrade in the next year and that it will be the least beneficial to the sorrounding wildlife. Maybe your getting the feeling that i'm a bit iritated on these issues. Mantua is by far one of the local area treasures, but it is going to change. I see a couple of things that are going to change, and im not so sure it will be for the better. The free, cheap fishing spot is going to change. With the increase of non caring "i don't give a S___." people they are going to have to increase the patrol of the Fish and Game. They will have to start charging to cover this expense. Why? Because some aren't mature enough to understand that without discipline people are at risk. This is the first year ever up that i have been "Buzzed" by a wakeboarder and PWC. When they say within 150 Ft. you must be moving that of a wakeless speed it isn't to make it difficult to pull off a nice trick, i do believe it really is for my safety as well as others. When did the local land-owners start allowing access to the east shore? Since then the amount of consumer trash has gone up by 500%. I just don't understand why some lack the respect for the privelage, "Not the right!" to fish!. Anyway enough of me, although if your up at Mantua one day and you see a guy with a red Bassboat getting the crap beat out of him by a bunch of punks for trying to set them straight! Please don't hesitate to join the fight for this diamond in the rough! Later
We have just discovered this treasure of a lake. We usually go to Pelican to get into the big gills and bass. I had never tried Mantua because of the artificial restrictions. We loved fishing it. It was hard for me not to take worms.That is my old stand by, when all else fails use worms. But it was nice to have to figure out what we could use without worms. I am truly sorry that people are treating it like a garbage dump.I am not giving up on it though. We are planning another trip up there in a couple of weeks. The fishing is as good as Pelican and the drive is alot better from where I live.Especially when you have a car full of kids. i just hope that people wise up and see what they have right in front of them.
Mantuas limit on fish are: 2 trout of any size, all fish with a cliped adipose fin must be immedtiatly realeased. Bass limit is 6 with only 1 over 12 inches. perch no limit. Bluegill is 10. For whoever asked what the limits were.
Wouldn't the perch limit be 20 and the bluegill limit be 50? It would appear, because there are no specific exceptions for the perch limit and bluegill on Mantua, that the general bag and possession limits would apply.
I have posted that question to the DWR on their website when I find out I will let you know.
I agree with you Kent. I think if you were to keep more than 20 perch, you'd be asking for a ticket, even though they want them out of there.
• Trout limit 2.
• All trout caught with the adipose fin clipped off, must be immediately
• Bass limit 6, but only 1 over 12 inches
(6) The following bag and possession limits apply statewide, except as provided
(a) *Bluegill and green sunfish in the aggregate 50 fish
(s) *Yellow perch 20 fish
Does anybody know if they have had the meeting on the change of regulations at Mantua yet? If so how did it go? Thanks for everyones insight!
I was just reading the post about it and it said Sept. 9th.
Mantua is trully a really nice quite place to take your family and fish for the day. I had taken my kids up there about a week ago and we were fishing and my little boy was playing in the water. It is just to bad that some people don't respect mother nature and want to ruin it for everyone else
Hey mom2k welcome to the site. Hope to have some good reports soon.
Went to the Nr. Ea. corner with Sparky on a walk and shore fish trip yesterday. Area is more remote and fun fishing, but full of weeds. For the first time I noticed the entire area was randomly littered with pop containers, water bottles, lure packages, paper bags, etc. and worst of all, many bait and worm containers!!!!!! [url "http://javascript:%20addTag(':(')/"][:(][/url]