Fishing Forum

Full Version: Third Lottery Deer Application Deadline Aug. 11
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Deer hunters who have not yet applied for the 2004 season, or who want to apply for a second, third or fourth license, have to submit a third lottery ivory-colored application by Aug. 11.
Interested hunters can print out an application, or apply online at the North Dakota Game and Fish Department internet website, Applications are also available from game and fish offices, county auditors and license vendors. Residents and nonresidents are eligible to apply.
The 2004 deer hunting proclamation allows hunters to purchase an unrestricted number of additional antlerless licenses in specific units as long as licenses are available. After the third lottery application procedure, any remaining licenses will be issued first-come, first-served for hunters who want more than four deer gun licenses.
Hunters can use additional doe licenses during the archery season with a bow; the deer gun season with a bow, rifle, or muzzle-loader; or during the muzzle-loader season with a muzzle-loader. These licenses must be used for antlerless deer only, and hunters must stay in the unit to which the license is assigned.
The regular deer gun season starts at noon Nov. 5 and runs through Nov. 21.