Fishing Forum

Full Version: scofield 8-5-04
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took my daughter up to scofield yesterday afternoon. we stopped at sportsman's in provo on the way up and purchased one of those throw nets and also took along a chicken leg for some crawdads.
i had never used one before and took about 5 or 6 throws before i got the hang of it and finally netted one minnow..i was SO proud! lol
went back over to where we were fishing and killed the minnow and put it on her line. She got pretty interested in the net and asked if she could try it...i said sure...thinking she prolly wouldn't be able to handle the technique. Well on her first cast/throw she netted one minnow and one crayfish. She really enjjoyed that..after putting the minnow on ice..she went back over to where the minnows were hitting the surface and started pulling in 5-8 minnows per throw...LOL. She had a blast....was fun to watch her have such a good time.
we put the chicken leg on a 10 ft piece of fishing line and those crayfish stripped it clean over the next 2 hours...every time we would get it close to shore...we'd have one or two hangin on...they would bail and swim back out into deeper water. was gonna cook some dads up if we had managed to get enough, oh well that was fun too.
landed our only fish...she did...hehe...was a 19-20 inch cutthroat...was a beautiful fish...that's actually the first cutt i've seen in person. had 2 others one, but didn't get them in.
was a great evening
Sounds like a fun day on the lake for you and your daughter. I love going out with my boy. Thanks for the report.
Great report. You gotta love seeing the kid so exited about the casting net, minnows and crawdads. Sounds like a fun outing. Thanks for sharing.[url "javascript: addTag('Wink')"][Wink][/url]
Thanks for the report. Haven't heard much about the schofield fishing lately. I've heard the moss has been really bad though. Did you have much problems with it?
yep, the moss was pretty bad. I believe it may have cost me landing one of the two other fish we had on. After a while, i got tired of 'cleaning my line' and just started using a float.