Fishing Forum

Full Version: Hyrum Report 7 Aug 04
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[red][size 3]Had some family come down to visit so I took them down the street to Hyrum Res. Saturday. Started about 7, trolled until 11 with one 13" rainbow in the boat (my 5 year old again with a sponge bob square pants pole pulling a purple glitter fat boy bass plug) and two "long line releases." Casted big toe to the inlet to see if we could scare up a bass for an hour with no luck. Waterskied until 2 when there were so many ski boats on the water you could walk from shore to shore without getting wet.... [/size][/red]
How is the water level holding up at Hyrum? I havn't driven past in a while since they have been working on the road to the north of the dam.

Thanks for the report, and better luck next time.
I haven't been up there myself but a few friends have and they said the lake is still mostly full and were not having any problem launching boats up to 20 foot. WH2
[red][size 3]The water is about 5-6 feet higher than it was this time last year. No problem at the ramp. the back end is 9-10 feet deep where it was 4' or less last year so you can still tell the hurtin' has been on it. [/size][/red]