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My wife and I are taking a few young women (four - 14yr olds) up to Jordanelle friday for a little fishin' fun and was hoping to catch something other than purch & smallies... We'll have the boat and I was wondering if anyone has had success trolling and if so where? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
I have never trolled Jordanelle, however I am betting the usual trout setups would work at the usual speeds, mix it up and keep changing until you find something that works. They will be a bit deeper since the water temps are warm. I have also caught many trout out of there with powerbait and worms usual. Typically in the bays and at the inlet. Good luck to you and the perch are always fun to just catch and catch and catch.
Go to the Rockcliffs area and fish about 20 feet off the south bank. This is the old creek channel. The troutski's like to use the old river bed to move around. Baits-salmon eggs, worms, and powerbaits. good luck
Welcome aboard!! Never fished Jordanelle, but I agree that trout are trout, and the usual gear should work fine.
Thanks for the tips... I kinda felt that the "speed boats" would make it difficult to troll at best, but i didn't want the girls to get too board - you know how they cab be... so we'll try to sit it out in some back-water and hope for a little luck to follow.
I did really well trolling perch rapalas and flat fish. So well in fact I couldn't bring myself to stop and fish for smallies. And they were the whole reason I was there. Any of the basic trout setups should get you some fish.

Now that's what I hoped to hear.. would you mind telling me approx where on the pond you were trolling? how fast and how deep? now i'm getting excited... thanks
We were trolling the rock cliff arm. Started off getting them in the morning near the top. when it slowed down we used downriggers about 20-30 feet down. This was the first and only time I have fished jordanelle so I don't now if it was an average day for jordanelle or better than normal. I do no It was around the end of aug or the first part of sept.