Headed up to the Brown Duck Basin this week end. Two Questions for someone out there. First does anyone out there know where i'm talking about and Second is have you been there this year? This will be the second time for me and i'm sure excited. I'll post pics and stories 1st of the week.
I have only been there once about ten years ago with the Varsity Scout troop. We camped at Moon Lake and made a day hike into Brown Duck to fish. I didn't think we would ever get there. It seems like it was six miles in to the lake, but it was sure beautiful up there. We caught lots of fish on flies pulled behind a bubble witha leader. That might be once in my lifetime to go there. I don't think this old body is up to the hike now. Lots of Luck. Acey
I sure know where that is. Brown duck is a great place to pack into. Its been awhile since i was there last but my dad was there just 2 weeks ago. He said that the fish were rising like crazy after little black bugs. They did catch a few on lures like rooster tails and a few others. My best luck in that area has always been with gold jakes spin-a-lure. The other thing about the area is that Island lake seems to produce better for me than brown duck. Kidney lake is also fairly good along the western shoreline. I always like to fish Island lake right where the creek comes in from kidney lake. There is another lake just past kidney and i can't remember the name of it but it isn't bad either. Like I said I haven't been up there in a couple of years but I hope this info helps. I can't really rely on the experience my dad had 2 weeks ago because he really isn't much of a fisherman and neither were the kids he was with. Best of luck!!