07-23-2002, 08:45 PM
Eileen Clark from N. Ft. Myers wanted some rod bending action for her sister Nancy Berish from Highpark, NY and her two sons Daniel Wowaka and Christopher Grotzer both 14 years old. The boys are avid bass fishermen back home and Eileen wanted them to experience saltwater fishing. The two most reliable species recently have been bonito and barracuda, so that was our plan for the 3/4 day trip. Catching pilchards and herring caught their attention first thing as the action was fast and furious. Our first stop offshore was not productive. Next, we spent some time on the blue/green edge in the Lotus range area with no results. Running further south, the edge moved in closer to shore. With a strong north current and clean blue water in to 80', we set up at the south end of the Anchorage and it didn't take long. Every drift (70'-135') produced some type of action. Whether it was bonitos or barracudas, it did not matter. The video camera was going, the digital camera was snapping and the boys were amazed at how hard the fish pulled. Every fish took us around the boat at least once and sometimes twice. Even Mom got in on the action. While I was re-rigging after a barracuda attack, Eileen put out a herring on a 12# spinning outfit. It didn't get 50' from the boat before it was eaten and Eileen took her two laps around the boat with a large bonito. Next it was time to target some large barracuda. The first fish cut us off on a rocky ledge. Daniel showed some great angling skills on the next one and we landed and released a 20# fish. Christopher was up next and when the rod bent over, he was hooked up to the grand-daddy of barracuda. The fish made 4 jumps on the initial run. Several long runs, two above the water head shakes, and a final high leap was just part of the action. Christopher fought the fish like a seasoned veteran and we released the 35# fish after a 15 minute battle. Both fish were caught on 12# spinning outfits. The
s and joy on the faces of everyone said it all. I'm not sure that either young anglers feet touched the deck for about 5 minutes. Maybe there are not a lot of what are referred to as the glamour fish around during the daytime at this time of year, however, if you want action and plenty of it, then get out and enjoy the bonito and cuda action on light tackle. It sure beats being on shore and dreaming about fishing.<br><br>Captain Dave Kostyo<br>Knot Nancy Fishing Charters<br>305 620-5896 Charter<br>305 732-2628 Beeper<br>www.rnfl.com/knotnancy<br>nkostyo@bellsouth.net<br><br>