fished the E. bank 603P - 9P from the tube caught five using one of nomoose's killermoose spinners lime green in color and one jigging a 2 1/2" white/ black flake tube all were cutts between 16 -19"
Chris, Did they move deeper like you suspected or fairly close to shore?
the fish are holding about 38' down whats weird is i can't find fish on the W. bank but see plenty on the finder on the E. bank
When you say east do you mean the inlet end? I have picked up a few alond the south end, but very few along the north(by the ramp) The lake faces east by west. Inlet, damm.
i always thought the east end was the inlet and the dam the west but the sun actually sets towards the gate/guard shack makeing that side the west and the far side the east ?
Yes but this time of year the sun sets in more of a North-Westerly direction. The lake is on a bit of an angle as well but I would call the far side South, the inlet East and the dam West.
I was up there on wednesday too. However, not to wet a line but to attend the open air demo part of the outdoor retailers expo. Beautiful day, lots of people. Sounds like you were on the opposite end of the res.... Thanks for sharing the report.
According to the map on the little handout they give you at the gate the North side is the gate house/launch ramp side and the inlet is on the East and the Dam to the West.