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Full Version: Fred Arbogast A.C. Plug
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Has anyone used these for Macks or Muskies or ???

Here is a Picture.

[Image: 1c_1_b.JPG]
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I Just bought one off ebay and was also wondering if these lures are being made today? - if so where?

I have one I bought years ago and I certainly think muskies will hit them. There is a company that still makes them in some form, but their prices are very high. Here's the link: [url ""][/url]
The website has some pictures of lakers taken on them, too.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]I've got 4 or 5 of them in various colors. We use them behind the riggers trolled slow for macks. Also use the rainbow pattern at Mead for stripers. They are pricey![/size][/black][/font]
The AC PLug was originally made by Allen Cole, who frequents Flaming Gorge and trophy striper water. He sold the lure to Luhr Jensen, though I'm not sure how it wound up in the Arbogast lineup.

I've fished with them some. If you caught the pic I posted in Leaky's recent thread of the trophy brown trout that looked suspiciously like a carp, you'll notice the AC Plug hanging out of the real brown trout's mouth.

So yes, they are a good bait and they will catch trophy muskies, lake trout, striped bass, brown trout, etc. But realize that they are basically a top-water presentation. So you have to use them when the fish are in the upper part of the water column. And I know you're a good enough angler to know when the fish, even big Flaming Gorge macs, are feeding in the upper water column.
Pricey?!!!??? Geeeeeeez! Heck my yearly allotment for fishing gear, gas, food and lodging would be blown on one snag if I bought one of those!! [Wink]
Alan Cole sold the rights to the AC plug too Arbogast...they made them for awhile,then Alan regained the rights to the lure,and sold them to Lluhr-Jenson.They made them for a few years,but recently gave up on them...Alan has the rights to the lure back again....Nathan