Fishing Forum

Full Version: Sometimes the Tigger gods simply dont grant 3 wishes.
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Ran across this one beached last Saturday evening. From the boat it appeared to be 36+ inches and looked to have been dead atleast 2 or 3 days.
I seen a fish like that last weekend up the south fork arm on the south side . But also seen a vulture eating on one over by Anderson cove side about a month ago . Some don't make it , too bad .
This one was straight across the south arm from Anderson's.
That is the spot . I was with MGB fishing there , but didn't get to close to it but I thought it was one . I walked the shores a lot last year and found about a dozen of the on shore then .
I read your post about those you found walking the shore last year, that sucks.
Thats a shame to have such a fish wated like that.