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Full Version: do fish have ulcers?
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the reason that i ask is because one of the 4 fish that i caught at ottercreek, had a hole on its side, you could see its guts, i turned it over and it looked like it was starting to get another hole in it, so i ler that fish live to be caught by another angler. do you think that it was an ulcer, parasite, or some other problem?
My guess is that a cormorant tried to eat it. They often leave a big hole on one or both sides of a fish that gets away. Almost half of the fish at Minersville will have a scrape or scar from those fish eatin' buggers. One of the biggest reasons for the regulations at Minersville is to plant fish big enough that the cormorants can't eat all of them.

It also could have been a claw mark from an eagle/hawk. I've caught fish that have been lucky enough to get away from a bird of prey.
the fish at ottercreek have some kind of parasite worm looking things that get all over them.. from what i have heard is they have had that problm for the last 2 years or so there..

dude on fish?
When I fished otter creek A couple years ago, the fish had parasites or something all over them. They weren't Pretty LOL
i was afraid that it was an parasite, coldfooter had mentioned them before i went there, i was just kinda hoping that i hadnt caught a freak that had a parasite eating away at it sides
Could be anchor worm, a parasite which is prevelant in some Utah waters. East Canyon Res. always had it and sometimes the fish can be pretty unappealing to look at. Typically, you see the ulcers during the warmer months but you may see scaring year round. I've seen it on bass, mostly during the spawn when they are stressing reproduction.