Which species of trout do you think fight the hardest? Or do you think it has more to do with where the fish live and what they eat? I personally feel brook trout have more fight to the pound. I'm just interested to see what other people think.
I'm pretty partial to the tiger trout. Of course they are half brookie, so I'm sure that helps.
For me tiger trout have fought harder and put up a great show too.
never caught a tiger but i do love the fight a large brooki puts up i caught this 21" brook on 4 # line this year and it put up a hell of a fight
for all the fish i have caught under 5 Lbs,the think a nice fat male brown on the river had given me the best fight.
Of course, circumstances will always change with where you're at....
I can't think of a better fight than a 18-20" rainbow out of Minersville. When you have 75 yards of line out on a 5 weight fly rod with a leapin' bow on the end, hang on!
However, Tiger trout are about the most aggressive fish I have ever caught, but I can't really say they fight any better than a brown or a brook trout.
But, if you want my best fighter period: Small mouth. Back in the glory days of Minersville (mid 90's) I caught a 20" smallmouth on my fly rod. Talk about a hell of a fight!
I would have to say without a doubt the Steelhead Trout will put the greatest bend in your rod. I have hook one's in the swift waters of the Deschutes River in Oregon and they were unstopable. They spooled you without even looking back.
In fact this year on the Salmon river (Doug Miller knows) the steelhead run was a history breaker - lots a fish this spring.
So all you Utah fisher-people start think out-side the state-lines and make some memories to last a life time by taking even a weekend trip to some distant waters.
After all everyone needs a rounded education - even in the fishing.
Hands down its one of Leaky's big brown's! Right Leaky?
A few weeks ago I hooked a steelhead on the Row River in Oregon. The fight was the wildest I've ever had. However, it only lasted about 10 seconds until it broke me off.
Other than that, tiger trout have to be near tops for me. Although, I have had tremendous fights from every species of trout. Often it depends on the health and size of the fish.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Man, this is such a subjective question. pound for pound some trout fight harder than others. Throw in the different gear used and the conditions the fish were caught in and you can get a ton of different answers.[/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Tigers on light gear can put up a spectacular fight and who doesn't like fighting a hard running steelhead or salmon? Half the fun of that fight is negotiating the river but as for me and in defense of macks, big lakers can put a pull on you and even with heavier gear, will physically wear you down. [/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3][/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]They may not go airborne or make sizzling runs but They pull like diesel trucks and don't give up. They don't have a river to help them and only rely on brute strength but when you finally get one to the boat and your whole body is shaking from the fight, you can't help but

. It's a good a fresh water fishing as there is. That's just my, uh, unbias, purely objective opinion, of course![/size][/black][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Silly Tubedude! Everyone knows there's no brookies in Bear Lake...[/size][/black][/font]
To me rainbow cutthroat hybrids in the Green River seemed to fight harder pound for pound. Maybe it was hybrid vigor or maybe it was because they fight the river their whole lives. They sure are strong though. A smallmouth would still kick their butt though.
Good Fishing, Kayote
I also am partial to the the mackinaw. When you get one of those big boys up they see the boat and run straight down for 70 feet....That is pretty exciting.
personally i think that large browns, 3-8lbs fight extremly hard! i got one in deer creek fishing for smallies that kicked my butt all over that lake it went about 9lbs or so. let it go. i did find one dead that was close to 20 or so.
catfish joe
To me tiger trout have fought the hardest but then again i have never caught a brown yet.
Just curious. How long ago did you find that big Brown at DC? I know 30 years ago (yeah I know, I'm dating myself again) there were some biggin's in there but I havent heard of anything truly big come out of DC in years! It would be nice to think theres still a few in there...