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Hey guys, went to Hemmenway again last saturday and sunday morning. I didnt do any good due to wind on sat. On sun caught 7 stripers, 3 were about 4 inches, and 3 were about a pound and one was about two punds or so. I really need to get a scale. I cant figure out how to get anchovies to stay on the hook, but I have found that they arent to particular in what they eat, ive been having great luck with raw shrimp and squid. Its hard to not set the hook when you know that its just the little 4 inchers hitting your hook, but I just wait until I feel a big heavy tug then set the hook. I also bought some Hot Sauce fish gel which sure does get them to hold on a bit longer so as to set the hook. Im going out on sunday morning most likely, but will be trying a different shoreline. Maybe the west end of boulder beach by the big dike or what ever that is that seperates the lake mead marina from boulder beach....Has anyone else done any good from shore? Im hoping to target some larger fish.
[size 2] [font "comic sans ms""] Hey WiNtErKiLLnv, glad to read you go out. At least 3 of them were fileting size. How did the new rod work out or did you use it?
Anchovies stay on the hook if you praise them as you are sticking the hook through them. They work better with alot of possitive reinforcment, LOL. Keep them frozen, I use dry ice to keep them cold. But, there is a fine line between useable frozen and rock hard frozen when you use dry ice. You have to find the balance, I usually buy too much dry ice, because not having enough will ruin a trip. Where you are planning to go Nighthawk and I went (several months ago) out and around the point, it is quite rocky and deep. We didn't catch anything but it looked promising.
[size 2] [font "comic sans ms] David
anchovies - yeah, the little fish steal them and i haven't got any pointers. Smaller #6 or 8 circle hooks? Try a drop shot set up where the weight is at the end of the line for a bit more sensitivity.

About locations:

This is a little hard to describe so bear with me.. At the tires entrance to Boulder Basin Harbor there is the rocky hill you mentioned. Sort of inside the harbor area you see the tire line on the west side of the harbor. Adjacent to that is a 75 ft long gravel bar gradually sloping to the water, but off it's end is about 35 ft. deep. I believe there are still marker buoys on the gravel point. Several times recently I have graphed fish off that point. If you fish there you can cast off the point and also toward the tire line.

I think technically you are out of the harbor and legal to fish. If not, you are close enough to be able to talk you way out of it. Especially since fisherman regularly fish the tires.

Another place I have seen good sign is a lot longer walk. Maybe park at Saddle cove and hike out along the north shore of Saddle Island till you get to the end. The cut between Saddle and the first rock off shore is about 60 ft. wide and shallow to about 14 ft with deep water on both sides so the stripers drive shad up into the cut sometimes. Seen sign in that area on both north and south sides of the point. There are also a couple shallow coves on south side and you might get lucky.

Third place you might consider is south end of Willow Beach, along the rocky shore south of the canoe take-out beach and plan to fish Friday or Saturday from about 8:00 pm till it gets hot the next morning. All those bait plans should work. There is rocky point which can be good and downstream of that are some flats that have old salt cedar stick-ups submerged which the stripers sometimes get into looking for trout. The shoreline trail is a little rugged, but passable without getting wet. Then you might need a scale..but the store will weigh it for you.

Heath, Hot Sauce is pretty good huh? I've been using it for years on largemouth bass. It will really toast some of the plastic baits and dissolve the rubber of jigs if the jigs get hot in the tackle box. I'm now looking to try some of the megastrike, but it is specialty item as well.
Heath, I ripped this off tubeN2's California forum site. Where does he get the info?
There is a good spot off the end of Upper Government Wash and you can practically drive to where you fish.

[font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1][font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1] LAKE MEAD: Striper fishing continues to be very good on topwater plugs early in the morning and jigged spoons or anchovies after the sun is up. Fish are averaging from 1-8 to 3-0 with fish to 9-0 landed last week. Fish are biting best in Vegas Wash. Stripers have been pushing shad to the shoreline and largemouth bass anglers have been enjoying a good topwater bite. For more information, call Blue Lake Tackle at (702) 452-8299.

Hey Powermaker, Thanks for the insight on using dry ice, Ive heard it works but not quite sure where to buy it. The new rod is great, i bought a 6501 ambasSaduer and armed it with 14 lb test. Im right handed, but I have to fish with left hand reels "wierd huh". It casts waythe heck out there and even though Im not a pro with the baitcasting reels, Ive been doing good, as long as I set the magnetic drag for the wieght of each different setup. Ive been going in between plugs and bait just to see if i can get something on a plug. No luck on that as of yet.
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Reellittlephish, Thanks for the very informative and decriptive locations. In refrence to the Hot Sauce, Im glad you gave me the heads up on using it on plastics. Ive just put it on the squid and shrimp so far. I really want to check out willow beach. Let me know how that new attractant works.
[size 2] [font "comic sans ms"] WiNtErKiLLnv,
I get my Dry ice from Smith's($.99/lb) on Trop and Jones, I'm not sure if all of them carry it though. If I'm in a hurry I'll stop off at Lakers PLaza (around $2.00/lb). I wish I would have done a little more research before I picked up my baitcaster. I would have got a left hand reel. I've used spincast reels for so long that it feels strange to reel with my right hand.

[size 2] [font "comic sans ms"] David
I meant to say Mechanical Brake in refrence to adjusting for each different setup. This is my first baitcasting reel, so im not as familiar with them as I hope to soon be. I also bought the Abu Power Cranking Handle, I havent tried it out as of yet but will next weekend for sure. I pulled the reel apart and Low and Behold found what you were talking about. Two little white plastic blocks, just like the picture #5 showed. Can I purchase the C4 kit and install it myself or do you have to send it to a pro. As far as the Hot Sauce Im only going to use it on Bait, and appreciate all the insight on the damage it could do.