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Full Version: Giant Squid???
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Where did all the giant squid go???<br><br>Anybody?<br><br>Milo
Beats me?<br><br>
Hay Clueless,<br>A great big welcome to the BFT message boards![Smile]<br><br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher &lt;*(())))))))))&gt;{<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Well, replied to this post soon after it's posting....Another 1 gone to the fish Gods!.<br><br>Happy Hookin<br>Gamaktsu &lt;*(((&gt;{<br>
Talk to Larry of INSEINE bait in Marina Del rey he says they are in Santa Monica bay much on the twilite runs.
Seee you on the water........ Highlander
[#000edb][size 1]Gamakatsu,[/size][/#000edb]

[#000edb][size 1]Sorry to hear that you lost your post. Alot of posts from other users, including me lost them to the Fish Gods.[/size][/#000edb]

[#000edb][size 1]The last ones that got taken by the Fish Gods was ones that wher posted shortly before the launch of the new BFT site. There was a short period of time from the time that the last upload was done and the launch. Posts made during that time have been donated to the Fish Gods as a departing GIFT.[/size][/#000edb]

[#000edb][size 1]Now that we have the launch of the new format for the BFT Message boards we all can post with more surity. The Fish God's have ben sent away and asked not to return.[Smile][Smile][Smile][Smile][cool][cool][Smile][Smile][Smile][Smile][/size][/#000edb]
all the squid hnt by the way of the floor of the redwing skating rink, via redwing fans