went to fish lake and went fishing with pikeman. What an awsome guy! we limited out on splake every time we went out and he even caught a couple of macks. The monofilament I was using had way too much give so I missed a couple of macks because of their hard mouths. I finally changed to a higher lb test monofilament and started doing better, but too late to catch any macks so I will have to try again another time. I will post the pics as soon as I can get them downloaded,
that is one of my favorite places to fish. i love that place, and is sounds like you had a good day on the water!
catfish joe
youre right on the money about pikeman, he is an awesome guy. what days were you fishing up there and how was the weather?
Good report Jed.. Now if you havent tried it you should give it a shot standing on the hard water. Maybe we can talk Pike into throwing another chilli party up there next winter.. (Of course if he does I'll try not to be off somewhere catchin' Mack bait while the chilli gets ate!,,,sheeeeesh!)..[crazy]
yeah i saw how you was last time, all cozy and warm in your hilton, you did miss out on the good chili and bread sticks, and prizes to boot. but i cant blame you for not wanting to leave the comfort of the warm hilton
Going to Fish Lake with the fam for Labor Day. Will rent a boat Saturday and maybe float tube on Sunday. Hope to hit Mill Meadow, UM Creek, 7 Mile and Fremont if possible. Amaze me with your knowledge - what # line did you use and switch to, where, and what. You can PM me if you would. (My wife is tagging along and may even be in the boat with me. I would like to convince her that all my time spent fishing isn't always wasted. Sometimes I believe she thinks I go to Vegas instead of ice fishing at Fish Lake!)
In one of Jed's other threads he mentioned going down there with a friend. Well, I was the other friend. Let me tell you pikeman was awesome to take us out. Since this was my first time officially "jigging" it was definitely an eye opening experience and a much different feel than I am used. Even though I know Pikeman beat us on numbers and and the size of the Macks he caught, our 15" or so Splakes were mighty tasty. So thanks to Jed and Pikeman for a great time and some great pointers on how to jig!
Congratulations Jed on a great trip.
i started out using 8# pline, but switched to 10lb because the 8 had too much give and I was loosing hooksets. Use a green jig with perch or chub meat and fish around 55-65 feet and you should get some nice splake. If you use some type of glow body you will do well.
Yeah it cab get a might toasty in the old Hilton if the stove doing some cooking or keeping the coffee hot, or heater is running.. Still wished I hadnt missed out on the Chilli though.. lol....
Great Pictures Jed, thanks for sharing. Sorta makes me a little home sick for my old ice fishin' haunt!