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Fishing report -- Aug. 25 [url ""][/url]RENO GAZETTE-JOURNAL
8/24/2004 10:51 pm
EDITOR’S NOTE: Due to rapidly changing weather conditions in the Sierra and Northern Nevada, anglers are urged to call ahead to the sources listed at the end of each area description for reports on the latest road and water conditions.
FRENCHMAN LAKE: Fishing remains excellent. Slow stripping sheep creek specials and Stillwater nymphs. Use an intermediate line or a type two sinking line with a fairly long 3 to 4x leader. Fish are being caught all over the lake. Reno Fly Shop, 825-3474. [url ""][/url].
LAKE DAVIS: The surface water temperature has dropped to 69 degrees. The water temperature 13-feet below the surface is 64 degrees. Cooler temperatures resulted in improved fishing last week. Dillard's Guided Fishing has been trolling Rainbow Runners in red and green, 8-13-feet below the surface. The fish size has been running 17 to 21 1/2 inches. Dillard’s clients landed 11 fish in 3 1/2 hours on Aug. 18 and again on Aug. 19. On Sunday, in spite of the winds they landed seven fish from 3 to 5:15 p.m. Most fish being caught in 6-15-feet of water. Sinking lines and wooly buggers working well. Mornings and evenings the best time to fish. Dollard’s Sierra Market (530) 832-5251. [url ""][/url]. Email — [url ""][/url]. Reno Fly Shop, 825-3474. [url ""][/url]
TRUCKEE RIVER: Dead drifting crayfish patterns has been working well from Truckee to Reno. The crayfish molt in August and offer the larger fish an easy meal. This technique is most effective in deeper pools. The hopper dropper setup is also working. Use a big foam hopper with a size 16 to 18 bead head nymph dropped down 18-30-inches below your hopper. Reno Fly Shop, 825-3474. The Gilly, 358-6113.
LITTLE TRUCKEE: Flows are down to 31 c.f.s. Fishing remains good despite the low water conditions. The fish should start to move back into Boca Reservoir due to the low water and the fall kokanee and brown trout run will be affected by the low water. There has been a blue-winged olive hatch in the early afternoons and midges continue to produce. Reno Fly Shop, 825-3474.
CARSON RIVER: Fishing has been decent despite the lower flows. The cooler weather has helped. Tricos have been abundant in the mornings with hopper fishing lasting all afternoon. Nymphing has also been effective. Reno Fly Shop, 825-3474.
BOCA, PROSSER and STAMPEDE: Producing smallmouth bass. Rocky areas including the dams are the best places. Burk’s V worm, bear hair streamers and aggravator nymphs are doing well. There has been an occasional brown trout caught. Reno Fly Shop, 825-3474.
SPARKS MARINA: Anglers using bait are doing well. The freeway side is best. Try rainbow Powerbait early in the morning or late evenings or on overcast days. Also, Krokodile lures, 1/4-ounce size. The Gilly, 358-6113.
SACRAMENTO RIVER: Flows at 9,000 c.f.s. Corning, Calif. Fishing for kings is picking up, finally. Catching nice 15-30-pound salmon, bright, Woodson Bridge area. More than 300 salmon passed the Diversion Dam in one day. More salmon making their way up river. Watch for fishing to improve as the weeks pass. Fishing for the kings will only keep getting better. Using Flatfish T-50's, and bouncing roe.
Redding to Anderson: Fly-fishing for rainbow trout is still good with 15-25 fish days. Great bug hatch in afternoon. Mornings and afternoons productive. Rainbows up to 6 ponds. Lures working well include Micro Mayfly No. 16 and Fox's pupahs.
Guide services and information: Hank Mautz Professional Guide Service, (800) 355-3113. Outdoor Adventures Sport Fishing, Kirk Portocarrero, (800) 670-4448 or (530) 221-6151. Web site: [url ""][/url].
WILDHORSE: Fishing is still good for channel cats and perch. Denny Ohmstead from Wildhorse caught a 15-pound, 14-ounce channel cat on Monday.
Wildhorse Resort, 758-6471 or email: [url ""][/url].
EAGLE LAKE: Janet Coughran of Sparks caught a 5-pound, 8-ounce Eagle Lake trout. She was using nightcrawlers under a bobber and fishing about 150 yards off the jetty at Eagle Lake Marina.
Fishing continues to be good. Trollers are using nightcrawlers, various needlefish, some trolling flies and scented plastic grubs. Best fishing continues to be in the deep water at the south end of the lake at about 30-35-foot depths. Still-fishing continues very strong using nightcrawlers under slip bobbers. Best areas have been Eagles Nest, off Pikes Point, near the South Shore jetty and Wildcat Point. Best times continue to be early morning hours. Shore fishing is minimal with the best chance being from the jetty at Eagle Lake Marina. Some anglers have also been trying the shore area on the point just south of the Eagles Nest beach area.
Ample camping is available in the pines at the south shore of Eagle Lake with more than 200 campsites available on a first-come, first serve basis. For camping information at Eagle Lake, call the U. S. Forest Service at (530) 257-4188. For reservations, call; toll free, (877)-444-6777. For current information on fishing conditions, call Eagle Lake Marina at (530) 825-3454.
ANTELOPE LAKE: Bass fishing is good here. Try senko’s and crank baits by the dam. Also trolling with worms and drifting Rapala’s. Mark Fore & Strike, 786-3474 or 322-9559.
CROWLEY LAKE: The bite was somewhat erratic last week with numerous thunder showers and cooler temperatures. McGee Bay and Green Banks have been the most popular areas. Try gray/black or black/silver midge pupa in about 11-feet of water. The fish are also chasing perch minnows so streamer flies like Matukas or Zonkers have been productive as well. Barbless artificials only. Limit is two fish ,18-inches or bigger. [url ""][/url].
UPPER OWENS RIVER: Some larger fish can be had for the angler willing to work hard and cover as much water as possible. Work along the under-cut banks with zug bugs, prince nymphs and bead head hares ears. Swinging a matuka through the deeper holes can also be fun. [url ""][/url]
LOWER OWENS: Water flow is 150 c.f.s. If the drop in water flow continues, the river should fish great as soon as the fish adjust. We will update this portion of the report as soon as we get the latest info. [url ""][/url]
HOT CREEK: Water flow is at 8 c.f.s. Not much change in conditions. Good dry fly action early in the day with Trico Duns, then watch for a spinner fall around 10 a.m. Small nymphs (sizes 18-22) such as hares ears and flash back pheasant tails mid-day and caddis on top in the evening. Don’t forget the good old hopper and dropper. [url ""][/url].
JUNE LAKE LOOP: Grant Lake has been producing some nice brown trout near the Rush Creek inlet according to local lake regular. He suggests slow trolling an olive matuka with a full sink line in 10-15-feet of water. [url ""][/url].
EAST WALKER: Cooler temperatures have sparked the fishing. Big hopper patterns working well. Nymphing with small bead head nymphs also good. Reno Fly Shop, 825-3474. [url ""][/url].
UPPER TWIN LAKES: Fishing is great from shore and boats for pan-sized limits. Try nightcrawlers and Powerbait. Mono Village Resort (760) 932-7071.
SOUTH LAKE: Fishing picked up last week with the Alpers finally coming out in big numbers. Several large trophy rainbows coming out every day. Trout Traps or Stingers have been the best for larger fish behind the island. Anglers are parking by the inlet streams and jigging or using nightcrawlers. DFG and Tim Alpers are both continuing to stock. Some good action with Thomas Buoyants close to the surface or trolling with a nightcrawler or deep with a Cultiva have been doing good by the Rockslide area. Shore fishing has been pretty good by the dam or in Boiler Cove. Trout Traps or nightcrawlers are best. Bishop Creek Resorts 760-873-4484.
BISHOP CREEK: The fishing also picked up on Bishop Creek. The water level has remained good and with the DFG and Alpers stocking anglers are bringing out nice limits. Nightcrawlers and Powerbait have been doing great with some action starting with salmon eggs. Fly-fishing has been very productive with Matukas in the big holes or Sierra Bright Dots and Mosquitoes in the faster moving water. Starting to see some color change by the creek, which is a little early so start planning for fall colors in a few weeks. Bishop Creek Resorts 760-873-4484.
NORTH LAKE AND INTAKE II: North Lake has remained a good fishing hole this week. Rainbow Powerbait or Sierra Gold have been working well. Lots of action with grasshopper Stingers, most anglers are cutting the tails a little and hooking lots of fish. Intake 2 has also stayed pretty good. DFG stocking continues to allow lots of limits with Powerbait or nightcrawlers. Red-gold Thomas Buoyants have been responsible for several large fish. Bishop Creek Resorts 760-873-4484.
LAKE SABRINA: Wet was the name of the game last week in the afternoons, but the fishing remained good for most anglers. Fishing the inlet is once again producing limits for most fishermen using worms or Sierra Gold.
Trolling with Thomas Buoyants or worms seemed to be the ticket in the channels, but with the lake diminishing, the channels are getting shallow and channel fishing may not last too much longer. The two natural lakes are starting to show. Trolling deep in the back part of the lake with Thomas Buoyants, Rapalas or worms are bringing in limits.
As the water goes down, more and more shoreline is being exposed, thus, there is lots of easy access for shore fishing. Fisherman bagged quite a few limits shore fishing last week.
Department of Fish and Game stocked the lake on Aug. 16 with pan-sized trout along with some trophy size trout.
Visit us at [url ""][/url] for more pictures and information or email [url ""][/url]. For boat rental information and reservations, call (760) 873-7425.