i was wondering if anyone can help me out on the cats in willard bay. i have caught tons of cats in there but none over 2lbs. i was wondering are there big cats in there or not? i have seen reports of big ones but never caught one. what areas of this lake hold large catfish? and what is the best bait for them? i usually fish the south marina area, but it is so low i dont know where to fish. also does anyone fish for cats near the north marina? i went there in a boat with some freinds and fished for cats along the north dike, and no one even caught a fish. any information anyone can give me would be extremly appreciated.
thanks in advance.
catfish joe
I fished the n.marina last saturday and we caught some cats they were all about 2lbs.Nothing really big and i talked to a couple there and they had the same size cats there too.I used worms and he was using minnows. Hope this helps.
When the shad were first introduced into Willard bay it helped the growth rate of the catfish.But now it seems that the immature catfish must be competing with the shad for food.Because the catfish all apear to be stunted. If you want bigger catfish go to the Bear River or better yet go to Utah Lake.good luck I havent seen a big catfish in Willard for years I dont even fish for them there anymore.
i am positive that there are giant cats in the bear river, especially out in the bird refuge. and utah lake has got some big ones to. a few years ago i found a cat dead on the south dike of willard that judging by its length and the size of its head and all of the dried up skin looked to be 20+ pounds. so i know that there used to be huge cats in there but maybe not anymore. but i would still like to know where to get them in the low water.
thanx joe
I have not heard of any big cats being caught in Willard for a number of years, I think the big ones are being feed very well. When the DWR did a gill net survey earlier this year they caught one that was 7 or 8 pounds in the SW corner. The last big cat that I saw was caught about three years ago in the spring, it weighted 17 pounds and was caught at the channel of the south marina. WH2
oh that reminds me is the fishing very good back where the water comes in, back at the end of that south channel near the south marina? i saw a lot of carp swimmin around back there. is it any good fishing back there?
I recall reading a report on here, approximately a year ago, where I guy wrote a report about catching a large cat fish near the south marina, while fishing with fresh carp meat. I know tubedude responded to the post, but I have done a quick search and didn't find the post.
That was the post about that 17 pound cat but it was over a year ago, more like two.
Utcatman, not a lot of big cats are caught at the inlet but it can be good for crappie and smallmouth. WH2