Fishing Forum

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My Dad and i finally got together and went fishing. We came home with 4 each for our fish fry on sunday. We have not been able to go much this year due to free days not being the same. We got out on the dam today at 2:30 pm and by 5pm had our 4 fish limit. Dad got the biggest at 2 1/4 pounds and the samllest at 1 1/4 pound. We had to doubles one on the first two fish we each caught and one on the last two fish. There were a few boats on the water as well as jet skis. At one point the fishing died off, that was when the jet skis and water skiers were at the other end of the dam. When they came back to our end we started catching fish again. Any way we had a good day and will be eating good fish tomorrow for dinner.

Here is a pic of the fish we caught and my Dad and my two girls
The Smiles tell the whole story. Glad to hear you and your dad got to get some fishing time together.
Where were you fishing?
congrats on the haul hope they make a good meal,
Pictures like that is what fishing is all about. Smiles of grandkids and grandparents with a stringer full of fish, thats special. Take as much advantage of that as you can cause you don't know when it will be gone. Way to go!!!