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Full Version: Lake Lewisville (Little Elm Boat Launch)
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Could not wait for the weekend as my mother was coming into town and she had to leave Saturday morning, so on Wed last week on the way to work with my pressed shirt and pants, I could not resist the temptation to chunk a spinnerbait by the boat dock on Lake Lewisville at the Little Elm Boat Launch. If you attempt to do this and have a professional job like myself, I recommend that you have lemon scented hand sanitizer, some OFF bug spray, some green Irish Tweed (or your favourite colone) a rag, and a desire for bass fishing early in the morning. If you work as a crankshaft grinder then you can skip all but the last requirement.

Anyway, I have found that in the summer on the lake the Bass have been at this boat launch early, 5 am to ??. I found them a few weeks ago with a spinnerbait when I stopped on the way to work for 15 minutes. Caught two 2lb bass that morning.

Wed started out at 5:15am, the spinnerbait had no takers on the first 3 casts so I opted for a dark green 4 inch french fry yamatoto(sp?) texas rigged worm with 3/8 oz bullet weight. Caught 3 bass in 15 minutes, all were 14 to 16 inches long and 1 1/4 to 2 1/2 lbs.

at 5:30 tied on a spook, got a few blow ups on it but no sets.

Left the rest of the fish for others at 5:45 am to begin my ride to work.

The Bass like the dock area because the lamps in the park attract the bugs and baitfish.

All in all it was a fun 30 minute trip from the bank. just be carefull not to wipe your hands on your clothes or you might get some odd looks in the boardroom meetings.

Went ahead and took my mom catfishing with worms for a few hours this morning and she caught one. here is a link to her funny face as she was about to have the fish land on her lap. (big photo) Too bad we had to call it a day at 9:30 or we could have caught some bass. I will go out tommorrow and see if I can find them. If I have some good luck I will let yall know.

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