Well, this summer has been the opposite of last summer for us and the porta-bote. We were out 2-3 times a week last summer and yesterday was only our 3rd trip this year. We got to hunnington about noon and started trolling 1/4 oz. kastmasters behing spinning rods. The straight silver kastmaster caught most of the fish and the silver/blue and tiger caught a few as well. There were many fish congregated on the inlet side. After we got to the inlet side we put flatfish and zip fish on the trolling rods and trolled all the way back to the damn but surprisingly didn't have one bite on those. We totaled about 15 between the 3 of us in 2 hours of fishing. The wind was blowing white caps but the porta-bote loves whitecaps and ate them for lunch. We saw the storm coming in and packed up and left just as it started snowing...it dropped 3 inches of snow/hail at the summit.
Thats cool you guys got some of those tigers!Great fighting fish arent they! I usually catch mine on silver shiny spoons.I might just head up there monday if i get back in time from up north.Did you guys troll all the time you were there and how deep did you find them?
nice report dude glad you got in to them up at huntington.. did you have leaded line? some times the lead works better up there with the flatfish and zipfish.. it probley did not help that you were fishing as the middle of a storm frount was comeing through..
dude on fish?
Nice report and great looking tigers, how long are they this year? I bought some of those zip lures also but have yet to catch a fish on one, have you caught any fish with them yet? WH2
hey WH2 i have about 15 of them zipfish that i got last year and have been surprised at how well they worked..they have a prizem rainbow trout patern that works great at huntington fishlake and E-lake..they also have some that are silver with green, silver and blue, silver and yellow, that worked really good at huntington last year.. 1 that we were useing last year that was hitting the bigger fish in huntington was a white with red spots.. they look like flatfish or kwikfish but have one thing that the others dont. a rattle that puts out a lot of vibrations in the water..
dude on fish?
I bought a whole set of them from the TV commercial but I don't think I got a rainbow colored one. How do you fish them, trolling or casting? Did the big Zip lures work better than the small ones? WH2