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Full Version: 10th Annual - Jenks Lake Fishing Festival
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[font "Courier New"]When? [/font]
[font "Courier New"] Saturday, September 11th [/font]
[font "Courier New"]the San Gorgonio Wilderness Association and the San Bernardino National Forest will be hosting our [/font]
[font "Courier New"]10th Annual - Jenks Lake Fishing Festival Your help is welcome and needed! [/font]
[font "Courier New"]Volunteering for this FUN event is a great way to beat the heat and spend an enjoyable Saturday in the mountains! Smile Last year we hosted 83 children who caught more than a hundred fish! and we had 83 wonderful volunteers who made the day a special event for all. We are looking for help in the following areas: [/font]
[font "Courier New"]Be a Fishing Buddy - we desperately need more fishing buddies so if you know anything about fishing (or want to learn), please help us out !!! [/font]
[font "Courier New"]Welcome Wagon - greet guests as they arrive Take Photos of the proud fisher kids with their catches Crafts Table - coloring, etc. (shaded area) Shuttle Driver [/font]
[font "Courier New"]Set up - tables, chairs, canopies Distribute supplies - bait, hooks, water, etc, to kids around the lake Trash Pick-up - help keep the lake clean and shiny [/font]
[font "Courier New"]Fish Station - cleaning, labeling, and storing fish many more... If you (and a spouse, or a friend) are interesting in participating please contact (reply to this email) before the event, and/or show up between 8:30 and 9:00 at the Volunteer Sign-In table at Jenks Lake. (directions attached). Lunch will be provided. [/font]
[font "Courier New"]Your help is much appreciated. (See attached file: Jenks_lake_map_04.doc) [/font]
[font "Courier New"]For more information call one of the event coordinators: [/font]
[font "Courier New"]Sherri Sullivan 2905 [/font]
[font "Courier New"]John Flippin 2806 [/font]
[font "Courier New"]Alfredo Zarate 2900 [/font]
[font "Courier New"]Lloyd Readman 2864 [/font]
[font "Courier New"] [/font]
[font "Courier New"](Embedded image moved to file: pic24652.jpg) [/font]
[font "Courier New"]Sherri Sullivan [/font]
[font "Courier New"]USFS, Wildlife Biologist [/font]
[font "Courier New"]San Bernardino Nat’l Forest [/font]
[font "Courier New"]Mill Creek Ranger Station [/font]
[font "Courier New"] [/font]
[font "Courier New"]office (909) 382-2905 [/font]
[font "Courier New"]cell/mssg (909) 844-4129 [/font]
[url ""][font "Courier New"][/font][/url]
[font "Courier New"] [/font]
Hello Steve,
Did you make it out there? How was the turn out?
Mike I was unable to make it,
I was notified on Friday befor from Ca. not to drive any longer because of a medical condition, bummer.

Saturday 11th 2004 Jenks Lake
10th Annual - Jenks Lake Fishing Festival

The fish fest went smoothly...we had plenty of help, and lot's of fun, thanks!
Here are the fish stats:
Approx. # participants = 61
Approx. # SGWA and other volunteers = 51
Approx. # USFS staff and volunteers = 24
total # fish caught = 21
the most fish were caught by a girl = 4 (5, if you count the one that got
the longest fish was by a girl = 11.75 inches; 9.5 oz.
the fattest fish was caught by a chaperone = 11.75 inches; 12.5 oz.
The weather was perfect,
Smokey the Bear made an appearance in the morning, and since the fish were'nt biting we had plenty of extra volunteers to help with the fishing.
One child got stung by a bee, was given medical attention and sent home with a prize for being a trooper.
All the kids went home with a bag of fire prevention and fisheries related goodies, and a wonderful Jenks Lake T-shirt donated by SGWA.
Volunteers received a Jenks Lake T-shirt and/or "US Fish" baseball hat.
CDFG had stocked 600 lbs of fish, but lake was pretty full, which may have been the reason we only caught 21 fish. (Last year we caught 114, had 83 kids, and 83 volunteers).
Thanks again for getting the word out! We really, really appreciate it. Smile