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Full Version: Labor Day Report
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Salmon fishing was slow this weekend but still productive. Friday morning we started in 65ft of water and marked alot of kings hugging the bottum. They had lock-jaw!! As we moved deeper we manage to get 3 hits around 75-80ft of water, landing 2 large 25+lbers. Saturday morning stared out a little better- the first rig went off before it made it down to 60ft. Within the first hour we hit 4 and landed 3. One fish was 28lbs. Then they turn off, not another bite until 11:30 and we lost that one anyway. At night we fished the Salmon River mouth(just outside the breakerwalls). We had 5 hook-ups, landing only 2. The first king of the night spooled all the line, 150yards, without stopping-goodbye! No trip Sunday on the lake but I did here it was about the same as Fri. & Sat.- OK but not great. At night we again fish the Salmon River mouth. It was very slow with only 3 fish on landing only 1 very large King salmon. Only 2 other boats out and they had pretty much the same results. Monday we took a late day ride down the river, just for fun. We saw plenty of fish in the upper end, mostly in the holes. It looks like we will be recieving another blast of rain from hurricane Francis- this will benefit the river but will not be to good for the lake.
My Boss was at the lake over the weekend and they boated 4 salmon, two of whic he caught one was 25 lbs. and the other 22lbs. I wish I had the time to go!!!!
Cheif- I know first hand how busy life can be!! It goes by fast- You need to take some time for fun, because what's all the work for if you don't. Just something to think about. Hope to see you soon.
Take Care
Shane T.
Hi Shane,
I hear you loud and clear and I generally make the time to play, I am in the middle of building a garage for my toys and that's is tying up my free time I have between work and fire dept. calls. Even though it is work it is also something I enjoy doing. I need to have good winter storage for my boat and trucks ATV's. Deer season is coming on quick and I need to practice with the bow as well.