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Just a picture of a few Stripers caught while at Powell last time and a picture of the dinker there.

Btw, thats my G-pa's old honey tiller hangin' on the back. Its a Champion and believed to be late 40's. I dont know the HP (probably about 7 hp) but it pushes the dinker around pretty good.
Nice looking group of stripers, how big are they and what were you using to catch them? By the looks of that motor I would have thought it was a lot newer, how do you keep it in such good shape? What area of L/P were you fishing? Thanks for the info. WH2
I am going to be taking a trip down to powell in November to try and take advantage of the cooler weather.

What side of Powell were you on? How Deep?

Nice photos. Vintage boats are sweet looking. That one is in great shape.
Now that's a boat thats had a lot of fish pulled into it... Looks like a great time at a great place, thanks for sharing,
Hey guys thanks for the comments about me old tug boat.. Yeah G-pa took great care of that old tiller.. It still has all its covers and the whole ball of wax..

As far as the size of those Strips caught that morning in the picture ,, they were all in the 21 -22 inch class as I recall. We caught them all by trolling. Most people are still jerking jigs for them but I find trolling makes for much faster action. You'll also note there is a downrigger on the boat. We were dragging blue back or black back & silver crank or stick baits from 10' to 50' deep and did well at all depths depending on the time of day that trip.
Those fish were all caught on the Bullfrog side just around from Stanton Creek towards Bullfrog..

Special note. I just made another run down there this past Thursday - Saturday.... I used pretty much the same equipment with the same good results altho' I caught fish as deep as 110' this trip.

PS. The smallies are just as fun as ever!