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Full Version: New Nevada State Record Wiper - 18-1/2 lbs !
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Bet that was one heck of a fighter.
Wow!... the only other word that comes to mind is- Wow!
Which lake did you say that toad came from????????????/
Lahontan Reservoir

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what the heck. when did they put wipers in lahontan res? i guess they dont care about the cutts in their then eh?
no trout in there, the lahontans are mainly in walker lake and pyramid lake

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Wow, what a great fish, I didn't know Nevada had wipers that big. Hey Tony, what town is near Lahontan reservoir? I see that it is in the Northwestern part of the state but I'm not sure where that lake is, do you have any info about the lake? Do you know if live minnows are legal in Nevada? Thanks for any info you can give me. WH2
[cool]Wow, what a trip! That's my old stomping grounds. I grew up in Reno til I was 5 then 30 miles from that lake (Fallon) till I was 18. Moved out of my parents house the day after I graduated.

Back when I lived there, there were no Wipers in there (that I knew of) Just tons of White Bass, Walleye, occasional Channel Cats and Bullheads, and big ole fat carp. That's crazy that now there's huge Wipers in there!

Too bad you can't eat any fish outta there (mercury levels very high from the Carson River that dumps in there from all of the silver mining that used to take place upstream in Virginia City).
lahontan reservoir is 50 miles SE of reno, silver springs is the closet town

10,000 surface areas, lots of cover besides wipers theres [font "TimesNewRomanPSMT"]white bass, walleye, channel catfish, bullhead, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, spotted bass, and crappie.[/font]
[font "TimesNewRomanPSMT"] [left]The limit is 15 warmwater game fish,[/left] [left]of which not more than 5 may be walleye and 5 may be largemouth bass.[/left] [left] [/left] [left]live minnows are legal to use, and very popular[/left] [left] [/left] [left]sm[/left][/font]
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scratch the cutt remark it appears it hasnt had cuttroat in it for along time. unless im wrong and perhaps never did. im guessing this is just like utah lake where it use to be a fine trout fishery back in the historical times and with development became a warm water fishery. know anything about this southern
Thanks for the info, I wish silver springs was a little closer but it is probably as close as Colorado where there state record was caught. I'll have to think about making a trip there next year. WH2
[cool]wiperhunter2, Lake Lahontan is about 7-7.5 hours from SLC (depending on how slow you go-the above estimation is based on personal experience of going about 80-85 mph to Fallon). The fastest way to get there is to take I-80 west all the way past Lovelock and then about 20-30 miles past that hole in the wall is the turn off to Fallon which is hwy 95. There'll be a sign that says Fallon/Las Vegas. From there it's about 40 minutes to Fallon, and then you take hwy 50 towards Carson City/Reno and then about 15 minutes outside of Fallon there'll be a turnoff to Carson City, and Lahontan is about 15 minutes down that Hwy. Can't miss it (right next to the Hwy.

So, now you know exactly how to get there. Good luck when you go!
Thanks for the info Out4trout, thats a lot closer than the area I was thinking about going to in Colorado. Have you ever fished that lake? WH2