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Full Version: Tired, but finally did it.
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[size 2]This old geezer and sparky finally found the chuckars. Had to walk my tail off, up and down of courese (20yrs ago it would have been a piece of cake) but Sparky and I finally found them way out in Grouse Creek direction and shot my limit. You might say my limit is 1-2 [Image: icon_lol.gif] but I actually shot my legal limit. [Image: icon_eek.gif] Sparky is just over a year and still learning but he did ok. He only flushed out of range once. The only problem, with gas prices the way they are it cost a lot of $ (for me).
[Image: icon_biggrin.gif] [Image: icon_biggrin.gif] Leaky[/size]
Hey Fred, there are a lot closer places to go than Grouse creek to find some chuckars. I've got them by the "I" on the mountain by Brigham. I've also seen them while deer hunting at the mouth of Weber canyon, above Job Core. I'm glad to hear you got into them and getting a limit is awesome. Did you find a lot of chuckars at Grouse creek? WH2
Hey guy,
Sounds like I need to do some scouting. My problem at my age now, is that it's easier to drive than to walk so I go to where I know where they are(at least where they were before).
The grouse creek area is a little miss leading to disguise the exact area, but it's not far off. It's an area that can get hunted out quick. Yes, they had a lot of birds which means the DWR did some planting or they really had an exceptional reproduction year. The last several years it was really thin!!!!