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[cool] going kitty fissin tomarow ssor [center][font "Monotype Corsiva"][#ff0080][size 4]just thought you mite like to know.[/size][/#ff0080][/font][/center] [left][font "Monotype Corsiva"][#ff0080][size 4][/size][/#ff0080][/font] [/left]

[url ""][Image: MESS6438CustomImage0615211.jpg][/url]
[Sad]Can't join you but let us know how it goes at the local pond with them kittyfish! Have a great Day and get a bigun for me.[Wink][pirate]
[Image: undefined]Hey ssor, Haven't talked to you in awhile, never made it fishing this week, everything broke down, lawnmowers, washing mach., heck even the backup mower. Going to try some lake fishing thursday. (crappy /cats). You know I'm always looking for an edge, do you think if I put on a "Clown Face " and dress I might catch more catfish???? Just Funnin, Davetclown, like to here about your catch. tight lines, scoobie2, I mean scoob
[Image: undefined][Image: undefined]Just don't use thies for your bait as it might send your catch to the other end of the lake!!!

Glad to hear from you. Sorry you had problems loging in and chainged your ID. Just got my memory to recognize scoobie2 and you went and changed it on me!!!! Now it will take me time to get this one to replace what my mind has on file. LOL [Smile] Catch a bigun for me and post a pic if you can. I got HuneyDoos this week and next. So I am counting on you to bring them in for me. Remember I plan on comming down your way the beginning of August, looking for that plate of fried kitties. [Smile] Take care and don't forget to post a report to the Tx. board on your outing.

You forgot to do one important thin with your reply post. [mad] [unsure][crazy][unimpressed][Sad]

[#ff0000]You forgot to [#000000]LOGIN!!!!!! [/#000000][/#ff0000]

Nice pic too!!!!