Fishing Forum

Full Version: Finally!!!
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I finally bought a computer for my house. Not many people have heard from me since I quit my job that had unlimited internet access last spring. So hopefully now I can spend more time on my favorite website and stay in touch with my fishin buddies.
It's about time! Welcome back polokid!
Welcome back Kid-

Although I'm not sure that home can compete with the thrill of time spent chatting with us while at work... but it's not bad.

See ya in the funny papers- PB
welcome back
[red][size 3]Last I'd heard from ya' you were still working out some boat troubles. Wondered if maybe you went to Powell, got stuck 60 miles upstream and were still paddling![Wink][/size][/red]
hey nice to have you back. just in time for you to be off because of the hunts.
i had been wondering where you went. Glad you made it back.[cool]
[Smile][Smile][Smile] I was just thinking about you yesterday. Just because I was thinking that I want to fish Bear lake for some macs this fall.
Well I bought a new boat well $120 more dollars away from paying it off. I finally gave up on my other boat. I have been working 2 jobs all summer long and neither have internet access. And until now I didnt have a computer at home. Now I got a real nice one. I am anxious to get fishing again too. I have only gone fishing 1 hour since july 4th. Plus looking forward to the ice time this winter, and yes I will host the 2nd annual ice fishing party
Welcome back polokid I can relate to the no fishing and no time thing. At least I have super fast internet connection at work though.

Hopefully I can make the ice fishing party this winter.
WOW......I thought you got married....LOL J/K
Almost married!!! Natalie moved in with me in July, but no serious plans yet.
whoo-hoo! i'm excited for the ice fishing party. it's good to see you are still on here, rob.
good to hear cuz![cool]