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Full Version: confoossing indeed
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[pirate]Yeaalp, very confusing indeed. Boy's, the new sight looks good, but 'BoyHowdy' I didn't know you had to resign up again. and I'm still not sure that everything is still working. Oh well, Whatever, hope we didn't lose anybody, I really enjoy the 'Message Board' from people around the world. I'm even going to try a few fishing tips here in Texas from some So. Cal. friends, just might be that little edge. Anyway, the reason I made this post is .... I am no longer Scoobie2, I am now Scoob. (just another old squid)
[size 1]Scoobie2[/size][size 1]

[Image: Earthworm.gif] You may want to try logging on again with your old username and password.

[Image: Earthworm.gif] It had taken several attempts for others to get logged in but it is not necessary to start up a new account unless you wanted to.

[Image: Earthworm.gif] If any one else has troubles logging on try contacting the web master at the bottom of this page.[/size]
[cool] Thankyou Mr davetclown, your friendly instructions have been received and noted, but I'll think I'll just go with (scoob), saves confusion with user name on another board I registered on. Anyway I'm not leaving anything important behind with the other name. I don't know if I need to.... But I don't know how to delete the scoobie2. Thanks again, scoob