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fished lincoln beach on tuesday night only stayed for about 2 hours. but the cats were on!!! we caught 5 channels in 2 hours of fishing. and 2 bullheads. carp meat with no weight fished right in front of the first spring. the cats ranged in size with the biggest being 9lbs and the smallest being 3lbs. i only stayed until 10. but i wish i could have stayed untill at least 12. i will post pics sometime next week.
aka UTcatman
Where exactly are the springs and were u fishing from shore or a boat? Are the springs the areas that kinda look like little bays just down from the boat ramp area?
Hey how was the weather? My job is south of LB and it was super windy and raining and it was headed up north so i didnt go![pirate] Thats good that you got into some kitties.I am going to hit LB after work saturday.
yes, i was fishing from the shore, and those "bays" are the hot springs. the weather was fine, no wind after 7 pm. i am making the trip from ogden again for one last catfish excursion of the year, maybe i will see a bft member down there.
Catfish joe
I am going to be there on friday ( tomorrow) and i will be staying late. i will post on my success.
Hey Catman, what time are you planning on going? I may meet you there and help drag in some of those kitties.