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I am planning to head out to Lincoln Beach in a few hours. Any suggestions on what the kitties out there like to bite? Thanks
[cool][#0000ff]Hey Guts, not likely to be too many responses before you go, so I will chime in. Had to get up early for a family business trip to Idaho (not fishing).

Actually, TubeBabe and I fished Lincoln Beach yesterday morning. Water was down to 61 at 7AM launch, but warmed up to 63 by the time we had to leave at noon. Might be warmer around the springs. We fished quite a ways to the west of the L.

Sounds like you haven't fished LB lately, if at all. Most cat folks prefer to soak a piece of carp meat or crawlers. Some use shrimp or liver. Fishing below a bobber will keep you from getting snagged in the rocks as much. And, the channels sometimes hit better when the bait is just up off the bottom.

We went down for the walleyes yesterday, but only had one on. I think there are more of them moving in to the area around the springs now. The last two weeks, the cats started hitting after about 9 AM, when the water calmed down and began to warm a little bit.

We have been slowly dragging unweighted crawlers and pieces of perch meat across the bottom, behind our float tubes. In about two hours last week, I got two 25" and the other 21". Yesterday, TubeBabe showed me up. I got 4 mudcats and she got two channels. One was 23" and the other 20". Both were in very good condition.

We fish with no weight and no bobber. We keep the bail open and let the fish have some line before setting the hook. In the colder water, the cats do not hit as hard or gulp the bait quite so fast. They are still there and will keep hitting as long as someone serves them something good to eat.

Good Luck. Let us know how you do.

Thanks TubeDude. You are right, I have NEVER fished Lincoln before, but I am off today and thought I may as well give it a try. I will wait and get there around 9am and give the water a chance to warm and will post my results when I return, whether good or bad. Have a safe trip and thanks for the advice.