10-04-2004, 01:51 AM
Well met with fish4fish at huntington res and before he got there i hooked up with a 15 inch tiger! There seemed to be a lot of chasers but no takers there today.Fish4fish and ms.fish4fish had the same luck as i did but they had chasers and no takers so i ended up with one fish. I let my daughter throw out my minnow trap and guess what i lost thay one too![pirate] 3 minnow traps gone in 2 months! Tyler took his pants off and tried to get it and said if he did it was his! I said fine go for it!I should have taken a pic of his sexy body going into the water!But i was to busy laughing to think about it.[sly] We ended up staying for a couple of hours then the weather started getting bad and we left for e-lake.